ITT: childhood fap.
ITT: childhood fap
Kimberly turned me into a leg man.
Then the film got even better.
lol she's one of my very firsts roflmao ^_^
Not her exactly, but many a loads were spilled to pics of girls in low waist jeans when I was young
Holy shit this must be why I like legs too
All of Cameron Diaz in The Mask. Like, if I think back on it. Its either her in that movie or Xena.
I was more a department store underwear sales ads kinda kid
>TFW went through high/middle school "whale-tailing" was a popular thing
it was absolute kino.
>pulling back the class slag's thong and letting it snap against her back
Wonder how many of us would get expelled for sexual harrassment for that nowadays.
Christ she was unbelievable in this
Do they count?
I had a classmate in grade 5 that did that with the straps on the girls training bras. They would always giggle and let him do it. What an absolute chad.
You know the scene
If you fapped to them in your childhood, then yeah, they count.
sexuality is wasted on kids. i literally never noticed
ASR in Bridge to Terabithia
35 yo boomer here
The only other movie I can think off where she looked peak female was in "Something about Mary" and even then it was a different type of attraction, where in there she was cute as hell.
Disgusting little baby feet.
they're cute little piggies be nice
So as 5 year old you were cooming? Dont lie faggot
>that one episode where she has the gymnastics routine and it's like 10 minutes of her in a skintight outfit bending and stretching and showing off her ass and body
Kate Winslet in Titanic.
Hell she's still fappable.