> Muslims kill 3,000 Americans
> Kylo Ren joins the Military
> Waaah nnno you can't join the military, think of the muslims
Is Society dead?
Other urls found in this thread:
>joined as islamophobe
>got out as antisemite
why are twitter trannies so beyond mentally ill
lmao based
>why are mentally ill people so mentally ill?
Daily reminder that Islam is right about women
>Muslims killed 3000s people
user... Those weren't muslims
what about drinking beer, smoking dank kush and jorking off
the absolute state of the MGTOW movement.
they were islamists
>America is now at a point where they lynch their own vets for going to war
Society is collapsing.
Anything that damages Disney Wars is good.
they tried this a few years back too, same shit
t. in the process of finding yourselves
>is now
Vietnam Vets weren't exactly warm welcomed home either
Muslims are unironically right about everything
Reddit hates Islam. That meme makes no sense. They complain about Muslims being anti lgbtq
How did that happen user?
It is because all millennials are numales.
I've found myself a long time now.
I know the cancer is the jews and the non-white creatures.
Can't wait to get in the military to start removing some of them.
What about circumcision?
Islam is a creation of brown "people", thus, it's automatically wrong.
Why not both?
lefties will defend anything that's not a WASP
Muslims dream to live like western
Yeah, those idiots who bomb each other for all eternity, who rape like savages and go on killing sprees in our lands are right.
The only thing the middle east deserves is to put that plan the CIA had to wipe out all the population there with bioweapons into practice.
Or maybe just don't send them any aid for coronavirus.
Yeah, they are the true master race.
I believe it, but this also seems fake. If he admitted that on camera they would lynch him the next day.
Not really. They hate Republicans and since Republicans hate muslims they like muslims.
they love anything the late night hosts tells them to love
>They complain about Muslims being anti lgbtq
No they don't. They have cognitive dissonance over it, just like all leftists. They simultaneously love Islam while loving fags.
It's called "Black White", user. Learn Newspeak, end Duckspeak.
Most of these islam worshippers are Amerimutts, and Amerimutts are jewish tools, they will never side with white people and will always side with the shitskins.
Do you really think "white" people who speak, behave and sometimes even look like niggers can be trusted?
Americans are the tool the jew uses to sabotage the west.
Never listen to what an American has to say about anything, just wait for them to racemix themselves into a brown shithole and the USA turns into a gigantic favela.
>"Those never in the military may find this hard to understand, but being told I wasn't getting deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan was very devastating for me,"
genuinely disappointed he didn't get to shoot terrorists
islam states that homosexuality is a sin and homos are thrown of the roofs, why the fuck would this guy openly say that he fucks kids in the ass?
i dont believe nothing on that webm.
What's the difference?
Maybe its one of those "only gay if you receive" philosophies.
What the hell did you expect from a shitskin religion, you stupid millennials?
We know you are a generation of pathetic cucks who have been brainwashed to worship the negro and the brown hordes, but apply logic for once in your lives.
You millennials are the perfect argument against democracy, why civilians shouldn't have any political power in any way, you are just too stupid for your own good.
They do it all the time, it's quite common in Islam society, almost like it doesn't count as being gay if it isn't technically a 'man'