ITT: Millenials in television and film

>Yas Forums millenials seriously think zoomers are worse than them
>even though zoomers are proportionally more based than their generation and 90% of millenials are pic related
>Yas Forums millenials refuse to acknowledge this and attribute everything wrong with numedia to zoomers even though actual millenials are the people who are responsible for the creation of 99% of soimedia

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millenials are stupid and gay, and also closeted homos


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Both of these people are subhuman mutts, and there's a reason why white people are no longer in entertainment.

>that millenial that likes to pretend he's not a millenial

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imagine being a millennial lol

but-but millenials are le based g-generation g-guys r-right? w-we're all hard-ass aloof d-doomers, the bi-biggest cynics in the w-world
i said proportionaly more based, you autist

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rent free

>millennials and zoomers pretending there's any real difference between them besides what shitty video games and cartoons they're nostalgic for

I'm not the one replying to a thread because I'm insulted, seether.
Pretty based ngl, but a marked difference you didn't consider is that millenial normalfags are more cucked than boomers, they did invent the soiface after all

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>he hates nockforce

name 5 "humans" less attractive than rebecca sugar
bet you cant

28 here, recently finally realized that most millenials are worse than zoomers. I just think zoomer humor is shit.

you, yourself, (you), u, and your mom

wow, you're right

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i really had to look her up because she doesn't look bad in the OP pic. Very average.

it's "them" you transphobe shitlord

Good lord, she didn't look that bad in the other pic. She looks like a female version of that mutant from Stranger Things.

Generation Z is even more leftist and stupid than the Millenials.

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so this is the power of the mutt race...

Nah, most zoomers just embody the millenial archetypes to a harsher degree. They cancel culture in school for a start.

There's always a portion of the generation that is stupid. That doesn't mean all of gen zyklon is dumb.

No shit, young people always lean left. The fuck does conservatism have to offer a 16 year old?

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>rapes Finn

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god damn she has a nice hands.

Why are those the only options? Radical centrism true enlightenment.

when will the "zoomers are based" meme die? How many more red flags until Yas Forums realizes they are more degenerate than millenials?

What a disgusting creature.

Even most millennial media was pozzed as shit go back and watch some of the old stuff and you will be surprised

You just dont remember it as bad because 90s were peak western civilization and generally speaking everyone was having a good time

media has been pozzed since they got rid of the hays code

American Media from 30s-70s was full on propaganda

Nixon was right about Archie Bunker though