any movies about the characters succeeding due to nepotism.
Any movies about the characters succeeding due to nepotism
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American Sniper seriously has to be one of the most misunderstood hollywood films of the past decade.
>Movie that shows a US Soldier to be a flawed but generally good person
>"NaZi pRoPaGaNdA!!!!!!"
Fuck these people.
Yep. Everyone thought it was great, turns out it’s below average.
It has like a 70% on RT you dumb libshit cunt. I bet you think it's a pro-war film.
I never actually did watch American Sniper. Was it about a veteran who was also a compulsive liar and couldn't stop making up bullshit that was disproven in court because he was addicted to the publicity?
Seth Rogen didn't succeed because of nepotism though
Fittingly, January 20th was the day of the Wannseekonferenz.
You think US Navy Seal snipers never committed a war crime? There's numerous instances of them gunning down civilians and children just because they were too trigger happy, psychopaths, or just bored.
>film showcases a white guy doing his patriotic duty
>film showcases balding chubby jew impregnating hot white girl
He succeeded because of jewish in-group preference. Hollywood is crawling with them and they hire their own, but if whitey hires his white son to run the family business after he dies it's problematic
seethie detected
>>Movie that shows a US Soldier to be a flawed but generally good person
He wasn't a good person, you, by definition are not a good person if you join an organization that trains you to kill people half a world apart to protect the interests of the jews. You are being paid to kill people that is protecting their own country against an invading army. It's pure pro-war and pro-military propaganda.
>I bet you think it's a pro-war film
it is
>patriotic duty
>defending the profits of the military industrial complex
>military industrial complex
this is commie talk
>but if whitey hires his white son to run the family business after he dies it's problematic
According to who?
>you, by definition are not a good person if you join an organization that trains you to kill people
>letting oligarchs and the elite do whatever they want
this is retard talk
>>film showcases a white guy doing his patriotic duty
Explain how is that patriotic
pol likes to make shit spicy regardless of time
Yas Forums also loves the taste of jewish dick as long as the dick isn't part of a big media corporation, but if the jewish dick is from a banker or the MIC it's fine, based and redpilled.
They left that part out.
He did shoot a fictional Syrian Olympic Bronze Medalist in Shooting though
>According to who?
Intersectional woke people who think white people looking out for white people is wrong when jews and blacks openly do that
thats lead to us being the most powerful country on the planet
Aren't they both propaganda films?
He succeeded because he did good at his audition for Freaks and Geeks, and because he wrote a good movie script as a teenager. Whether you like him or not his movies have mass appeal.
>if whitey hires his white son to run the family business after he dies it's problematic
No one thinks that
>military industrial complex made our military stronger and supports a large economy by propping it up with military spending
>that makes it okay
Do you get defense contracts or what?
which has absolutely no benefits for the common american
By what metric are you the most powerful country on the planet? You don't have healthcare, you don't have industry, you can't deal with a crisis like corona, you can't win wars, you can't even fix the pipes in Flint.
But you can spend trillions of dollars on Israel and pic related
I agree with him
>film is about an American shooting arabs
As a jew, shouldn't he love it?
>make a subtle war diptych with a timeless message that examines topics such as war and the importance of having or believing in "war heroes" when deep down you know there is no heroism in something as absurd and ugly as war, why people go to war or feel the need to believe in the idea of one's nation and being a patriot when you know beliefs are all relative depending on which side you're on, how war can't exist without propaganda and other lies people tell themselves to survive (during or after the war), how lonely it is to carry the toll if takes on you and how civilian society can never properly understand it... with enough distance and intelligence to neither be a basic "anti-war" movie or a pro-murika piece of shit, amazing filmmaking craft, acute psychology and touching humanity, but set it in WW2
>"wow this is good, these are timeless war classics that will age like fine wine, bravo eastwood"
>make a movie with the exact same timeless message, quality of craft and intelligence, showing you're a true auteur with recurring themes and obsessions, but make it about a war that people don't romanticize and don't show the other side's pov because at this point you assume audiences are smart enough to get it
>"wow this is shit, child killer propaganda and fake babby 0/10"
it's seriously mind boggling
>Brainlet comes up with a fatally poor misreading off a film based off their extreme political bias
>pic related
How so ? why do they let their seat to women ?
It might have helped if the main character wasn't a proven pathological liar and the movie didn't portray him killing a mythical olympic sniper
>American Sniper reminds him of fictional propaganda movie from Inglourious Basterds