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That’s peak aesthetic ngl

Snyder's cut looks weird

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>not RYOs

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Theyre Marlboro lights

for me? it's american spirits and no mask, and picking my nose and rubbing my eyes as soon as I get out of the grocery store

Menthols are illegal in the EU from next month on.

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the EU is truly the most pathetic series of humans nowadays. what happened to you?

Bad guys won WWII.

We don’t suck big tobacco’s cock.

no argument here, I wish we would have done more for you.

my bad, in australia only menthols have white butts.

I'd agree with you if USA didn't exist

>menthols have white butts.
But are smoked by black dicks. Makes ya think

lmao yes you fucking do retard
pathetic levels of cope

For me its Lucky Strike lights. Lucky Strike means fine tobacco.


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apparently it's to demotivate smokers. or stop people from starting in the first place. some shit like that. because it tastes somewhat better or something.

The ban starts may 20th, but most shops in my town are already out of menthols. Bought six packs at the gas station, I might stop smoking once they're gone.

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Doesn't make me think at all, but we all see where your mind is you absolute loser.

They gave Brussels the power to rule over a continent

To be fair Hitler was anti-smoking

Can you at least import menthol filters for rollies? That's absolutely fucked, then again EU is becoming just as Tarik said in Metropia.

Based. I'd do this too if I had to go out.

having a smoke brb

Why are you so fragile? Out of menthols?

I'm not sure what exactly the new law says, I was just told by several shop owners that the ban is coming and that they're already unable to get new ones. Been wondering about that myself, I don't think they'll stop anyone from just ordering filters from ebay. But smoking's bad mkay, so why not just stop. Getting filters from ebay instead of the shop around the corner sounds annoying.

agreed. if you want to stop smoking because menthols don't exist you never deserved to smoke in the first place.

>you don't deserve to smoke
god no what now

real chads smokes hand rolled cigs with no filter

>real chads
oh so the guys with the completely brown hands and no teeth that hang out around the train station are the real chads, huh


>he thinks filters protect his teeth
Okay princess

>facial hair
>lifts mask, has to touch it to move it
>smoking with the cloth going literally wherever
This is why masks are useless to the public. You fucking monkey retards.

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>lmao fragile
Yeah, used to do that too when i was 20 at parties with white ox. Grow up.

>wear mask so you don't get the flu
>die of lung cancer instead