Rian Johnson kills Snoke early without hiving him a backstory because "he's a nobody and Rey has no reason to care...

>Rian Johnson kills Snoke early without hiving him a backstory because "he's a nobody and Rey has no reason to care about him"
>Then Abrams backtracks and says Snoke is a clone of Rey's grandfather

Well? was Rian trying to tell us that Rey doesn't give a shit about her own family? her grandfather is not important despite being the emperor?

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i don't get the point of this thread. if you want to shit on the last jedi some more, by all means, but you don't have to pretend to be stupid to do it.

You've thought about this more than the two directors combined

He wasn't trying to tell us anything. He just wanted to epicly subvert our expectations ;D

The last movie is fanfiction. Why would anyone care?

>Imagine Sheev fucking Rey's grandmother, with his horrible monster face and black cloak flopping about.

>Then Abrams backtracks and says Snoke is a clone of Rey's grandfather
No, Snoke was made from the ground up by Palpatine with a vat near him full of Snoke bodies piled on top of each other.

Bro the only thing rian johnson strove with zeal to impress upon anyone was how much he hates either starwars, disney, or both.

Execute Order 69..

The whole sequel trilogy is fan fiction.

TFA was a solid 9.5/10
TLJ was a solid 7.9/10

Only RoS was bad

>TFA was a solid 9.5/10
>TLJ was a solid 7.9/10

You're thinking about this way more than the writers ever did.

>TFA any higher than a 5 at best

>her grandfather is not important despite being the emperor?
Would you say that, compared to what you expected going into the tlj, you were subverted?

Attached: rian.jpg (275x183, 4.93K)

TFA - 5.5/10
passable as a dumb blockbuster that you dont think about

TLJ - 1/10
The '1' point is for being impressively shit

TROS - ?/10
Why the fuck would anyone watch this shit?

There's no way JJ and Kasden didn't intend Snoke to be a shockingly alive Darth Plagueis. It was a way to connect the sequels to the prequel trilogy. Rian thought it was stupid (maybe it was we'll never know) and killed Snoke to make Kylo Ren a more interesting character then some edgelord Vader fanboy.

Ultimately I can't blame Rian or JJ, the blame falls squarely on Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger.

>the leader of the dark side of the force and he who has turned Ben Solo into Kylo Ren is “of no particular interest to Rey”
What a fucking hack. He has been a hack ever since “Fly” on breaking bad “subverted our expectations” by being the shuttles bottle episode of all time.

>has a ship that can destroy entire solar systems instantly
>haha nah he's a nobody, who cares dude look at him it's not like he's a woman with purple hair or my Asian high school crush insert, booooring

I never thought a franchise that literally prints money could be sunk so hard and fast. Expectations subverted bravo Rian

Never forget Fly was intentionally a needless episode made just because they knew it would be competing with LOST.

Where's Rey?

They should have centered the story around Ben and Rey's relationship from the beginning. Have them both be Jedi students who fall in love. Ben finds his beliefs incompatible with the Jedi Order, so he reforms the Empire. The trilogy follows the two as they struggle wondering if they'll be able to kill the other.

ngl, every character should've been asking this question more

Damn man. How can Disney fuck up so bad. I mean they made some serious cash off the nostalgia faggots but they could've further lined their pockets if they just made a good movie.

All they had to do was copy the stories in the extended universe and all would have been good. Too bad Kathleen Kennedy had her clit set on her feminist agenda.

Imagine if they made a series of Star Wars movies that the fans universally loved. Would've been printing money in ticket sales and merchandise.

Mandalorian was actually decent and that's because Kathleen was nowhere near it, now the stupid cow wants to tie it into her shitty movie series.

You know that concept was in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, albeit without the romance.

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>a story that doesn't have Luke as an old, pitiful cynical idiot who lacks agency and dies like a bitch after doing nothing
Oh, KK would have some serious words for you

Is this bait?

It's funny because with a film like this you're EITHER supposed to try and maximise profits OR maximise quality and they were just like 'what if sacrificed both?"

>they made some cash

They haven't even made the original 4 billion back.

The problem with Disney Star Wars

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Blabla nigger poo

>mysterious leader of a vast army
>not interesting

jesus h christ , does Disney hate money or something

Rian said he made the movie intentionally shit.

He said that he could make a good movie that everyone would love, but that'd be a boring reaction so he tried to make a terrible movie that most people would hate because that's a more fun reaction

TFA was like snake oil for me because I had never seen the original trilogy and TFA just copied episode 4 beat for beat