
Dukat edition
Previous no longer exists.

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Daddy, why are they letting your thread die?

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Wait, so who has the bridge? Some no name ensign?

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Yeoman Random...

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How would the universe be different if Garak succeeded in destroying the Founder’s homeworld?

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Not enough tongue, there should rivers of saliva running down their chests

Alex Kurtzman detected.

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Just a red blooded male

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Somebody has to perpetuate our species. Keep it up, lad.

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15 million sounds like a lot. Well no, because-

*pushes mic to chin*

-the occupation lasted 50 years. That's an average of 300,000 occupation-related deaths per year. On all of Bajor, the entire planet.

Bajor's total population is 3.8 billion. Thus the annual rate of occupation-related deaths is 1 out of every 12,666 Bajorans per year.

That's incredibly low.

Let's compare to some real-life numbers from Qo'noS. Damar, pull up some of those stats.

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Star Trek: Picard's Last Destination.

E1: Picard prepares the new grape harvest when he suddenly noticed that some of his grapes are missing.

E2: After hearing an old legend on the weekly market, Picard starts to investigate all on his own.

E3: During spring cleaning, Picard finds his old horse saddle leading to an unexpected adventure.

E4: The primal school principal asks the captain to give a presentation about his former life. To Picard’s surprise, the the principal knows him better than he thought.

E5: An old french movie inspires Picard to shoot an movie on his château… by using traditional tools.

E6: Picard travels to the national archaeology conference but gets stuck multiple times. Will he make it in time?

E7: The village’s theater group prepares the general rehearsal. But the director is acting more and more strange.

E8: Starfleet’s Admiral Riker approaches the former captain and makes a tempting offer.

My thread was dying, and that got (You) to reply...

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extremely poor OC, it doesn't even make sense and doesn't match the overall context of the Joe Rogan Experience let alone using it as the OP image.

Bad work, no wonder these threads are so bad.

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It is an Adam Sandler reference, and I admit that it is bad.

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Thanks fren. I was looking for that.

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Not the fag who thinks 2 women kissing is just for lesbos but you need something to start discussion if you want a thread to live.

>member of the Russian military

Mate, burn in hell if you think that's normal.

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Where does Avery Brooks end and Benjamin Sisko begin? Brooks knew it was just a show right?

I'm heading out to the Promenade for some anti-bacterial hand sanitiser, do you guy's want anything whilst I'm there?

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Could you fetch some Andorian Rectal Wipes for me? The soothing properties of the Thalax Root does wonders for my anal fissure.

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Then based Dukat tries to blow his baby-mama out of the airlock.

Neelix detected...

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>Ship specs? Tell me more, user. Maybe at my place?...

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>ywn cuddle old man Riker
it ain't fair, bros

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What's the most autistic posting /trek/ has ever seen?

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He's tall and intimidating.

A little fat but at least she knows who Jadzia is so she’s not as much of a poser as VF’s TOS instathot waifus. I’d bareback her.

>I’d bareback her.
This is a Gay/Tran Porn phrase

Normal is a judgement or opinion. More common than (You) like is a provable fact.

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