How does this image make you feel?

How does this image make you feel?

Luckily woke Twitter is beginning to get wise to how stupid this kind of "criticism" is-

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Isn't it funny how all Amerimutts, even the right wing, have finally fullfilled their jewish programming of banding together to whine collectively about "OMG WYPIPO".

And then they are offended because Europeans laugh whenever people see those mass graves in New York, it's all enemies being buried there.

>crap is this tweet kind of mysoginist
>nah it's okay if I just make it about white women
I can imagine the cogs spinning in this guys head as he was writing the tweet, all the oppression math he had to do.

This is the dumbest thing I've read on here in a while, Abdullah.

Don't you have to go make other threads about how racemixing is totally fine if the white one in the couple is white, Amerimutt?

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I always wonder how people can not hate females when they are so blatantly arrogant all the time.

Arrogance is a symptom of confidence, the problem isn't that women are, the problem is that there's men who aren't.

>This is the dumbest thing I've read on here in a while, Abdullah.

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It's not a sign of confidence, it's a sign of an inflated ego.

And inflated ego is a sign of confidence.

>men have ordered me to watch
wtf is wrong with women?
also kek at that tweet, capped. According to his profile he's a leftist to.
The un-wokening is coming.

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it's smart. Turn them against each other. Look at the backlash of "Karen." It's mocking entitled white women, and SJWs are spinning as they try to explain how making fun of Karens is sexist but not racist.

No, an inflated ego is a sign of an inflated sense of worth. I know many confident people. None of them are arrogant. it's a sign of weakness.

What unwokening?
They are just finally doing what they always set out to do: go up against all white people.
It's just you stupid millennials are so focused on your non-sensical gender fight that you are willing to go up against your own people for it.

Again, more proof that civilians should never have a say in politics or how nations are ruled.
Civilians are stupid, easily manipulable and nowadays, borderline useless, letting them have a say in how nations are ruled is complete lunacy.

>wtf is wrong with women?

Women aren't "my own people"

Yes they are, Hitler said so and Hitler was wiser than any of you stupid Americans.
He also knew plenty about Americans themselves, too.

Maybe the key to saving the west is destroying America.

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Nazi Germany didn't hold together very well so I don't see how he has room to talk.

Nazi Germany went from being USA-tier to a global superpower only in 7 years, and the entire world had to band together to take them down.

Of course, the Americans fought really hard since they couldn't allow the jews to NOT take control, since America was created to serve the jew.

Man hitler really was an artist after all. 1930s and hes coming up with new racial slurs i havent even heard yet

Yeah, America is holding just fine.

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Read this comment in borats voice its even better.


> this is what my little politics actually believes

>Nazi Germany went from being USA-tier to a global superpower only in 7 years
They dug themselves into a huge debt hole to build up a war economy and planned on balancing their books by plundering Europe. What they were doing was absolutely unsustainable and it's no wonder they got carved up and spitroasted within 6 years.

It's literally what happened.
What has the USA produced?
A pathetic people who hate themselves, who hate the west and all whites, who worship child raping celebrities and niggers, and who have nothing in their empty lives beyond entertainment media, to the point where your "activism" always involves some product in one way or another?

Attached: America.webm (480x480, 2.75M)

>I will not watch ghostbusters (2019) because its a girl movie t. AVG rolfe
>I will not watch There Will be Blood becuase its a man movie t. woman


They got because the jews got afraid, so they called in their two most loyal dogs: America and communists, to do their dirty work.
For that, it's a joy seeing Americans in their current state, full of infighting, destroying themselves and racemixing.
Only way it would be better would be with a literal weapon that made them die slowly.
Oh wait...

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t. amerilarp history book

>dude some tents
Meanwhile Nazi Germany lasted like 12 years and got bitch slapped so hard Germans are still embarassed to this day.

What did Nazi Germans have in their lives, other than a big Russian cock up their ass?
Certainly not pride, money or even food.

Reminds me of Children Of Men

Sorry I should have gotten my knowledge on world history from Yas Forums screenshots.

Is there a story behind this webm?

She probably hates it for retarded feminist reasons, but the movie is a boring piece of shit and she shouldn't have watched it.


mutts law

or a real history book, rather than hollywood cartoons

Based faggot

They built a global superpower in record time out of nothing.

You outlasted them, but what for?
You are a decayed, degenerate country that everyone hates, that even you hate yourselves, and that it's trying their hardest to take down the entire west along with you, all while the rest of the west laughs at how utterly moronic and ridiculous modern America is.

What do you have to show?
An increasingly irrelevant power?
A military that is both the biggest and most incompetent in the world?
Empty people with nothing in their lives beyond media consumption?

>if the white one in the couple is white

Literally, what?

Sorry, meant if the white one in the couple is a man.
Americans seem to have zero trouble with racemixing as long as it's them who do it, which suggests that Americans don't really have ideals, they just have "muh dick" in their mind 24/7
Could be why America has no far right party, just two moderates who always stick to fullfilling Israel's wishes.

This is without a doubt an amerifat

It’s literally just because they want to fuck women. It’s all COOMING behaviour. No matter what a women does or says, men are willing to jump through hoops of coping and pawning off responsibility to man just so they can absolve women of any guilt and continue to coom.
See You just know that he’s desperately trying to blame men so he can continue to fantasize about fucking women

>muh coom muh coom muh coom
Ah yes, that epic discord tranny meme.

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No, i'm blaming Amerimutts, every cancer in the modern world is because of them, and the entire planet, specially white people, would benefit from the destruction of the USA and the death of every single one of it's citizens.

karen is a pretty dank meme
did twitter niggers come up with it? it's as accurate as chad for Yas Forums incels

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True but I live in Canada and women are just as, if not more cunty here. America is a problem but modern women as a whole are also a problem and to deny it is to be willfully ignorant.

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Canada is literally America but with more asians and potheads, nothing i've seen of Canada suggests you are any better, and, if anything else, you are even more of a bunch of SJWs.

There's no other way around it, there's no saving the west without destroying America.

And that would be solved by forcing responsability on everyone, including women.
So, who's willing to get drafted for a couple of years?

You know what's a problem?
You Americans moving away the problem from the jews.
Everything you've done for the past 5 years is try to place the blame on anyone who wasn't the jews, trying to protect your overlords when everyone knows the jews are the source of all of this.

And the only thing standing from us and the jews is America, who is constantly trying to redirect people to other targets, often at themselves.
Anyone who takes attention away from the jew is also a jew.

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>non-sensical gender fight
YIKES! Obviously a Boomer who hasn't had to deal with the young women that your generation created.
Never forget: Boomers are responsible for modern feminism because they were too cowardly to fight the gender fight.

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>You outlasted them, but what for?
Global dominance I'd say.
>You are a decayed, degenerate country that everyone hates, that even you hate yourselves, and that it's trying their hardest to take down the entire west along with you, all while the rest of the west laughs at how utterly moronic and ridiculous modern America is.
I don't even like America but Hitler was a jackass. If you think cringey pop culture degeneracy is more offensive than killing millions of innocent people then thst just exposes you as an embarassing larper with no perspective on how bad things can get.
>What do you have to show?
>An increasingly irrelevant power?
>A military that is both the biggest and most incompetent in the world?
America's military is currently the most competent because it has the most modern experience. You can point out the failure to combat insurgencies, but combating insurgencies is effecticely impossible without exacting revenge on local populations as punishment, which is what the Nazis did in occupied europe.
>Empty people with nothing in their lives beyond media consumption?
How is being devoted to a media economy any worse than being devoted to a war economy like Nazi Germany? The former can be tasteless, the latter will end in destruction and death.

Ah yes, boomers, another target for the Americanoid creature to place the blame on.
It's boomers, it's zoomers, it's women, it's leftists.

No, it's the jew.

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duh, canada is in america