Tfw no gf

this is not a joke

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Other urls found in this thread:

It will be shit.

She made it just to we can post about tfw no gf on Yas Forums without it being off-topic.

What's with the sudden interest in incels by media types?

It's very popular these days to discuss why white males are a danger to society.

>Pretending white males aren't constantly mass shooting places

they're not, it's just reported more.

not our problem mutts

No they are shooting up the place.
The white race is honestly a mistake.

based virtue signaling user

magnet link pls

i don't understand the comments here that are like 'i thought this was a bad thing but then i saw ariel pink is involved'
>Ariel Marcus Rosenberg
yeah sounds great!

As a Yas Forumscel I can see a bright side to this statement.

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>Make a documentary about Yas Forums
>Interview twitter pseudo-intellectual faggots like Kantbot instead

>Alt-Right: Age of Rage (Documentary) (director would like to thank)

she's leeching off twitter friendly memes and 2016 tourists for personal gratification and abandoned the last thread she started here watch this shit instead at least you dont need to spend pesos on bezos

> Once you hear one of these guys talk for a prolonged period of time, you’ve basically heard them all. Rambling posing as faux-intellectualism, blatant sexism, the occasional violent comment like expressing sympathy for mass shooters. You could go into any random Twitter thread or message board and find this sort of dialogue.

He got that right. You poor bastards aren't as special as you think.

get off my board, jew

>even the palest one has brown shitskin mutt eyes

Has it ever been taboo to rag on virgins?

It also has Moldbug. It's definitely a Jewish psy-op.

>On sites like twitter
It's pozzed

why is this board suddenly filled with redditors

Why does Yas Forums get their own show and we get nothing bros, it's not fair! Board genocide when

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im not watching a half hour slog of some anons ramblings over bizonacci rip off animations
because theyre shills

Yas Forums has been overrun by trannies now. Yas Forums is more incel than Yas Forums at this point.

Remember how there are a sudden interest in Muslim bad guys since 9/11? Well it's like that

Nah it's all encompassing but to get funding it's being called "the incel movie"

Based & Redpilled

Is she one of us?

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this seems as close as you're going to get
the badabing part was funny and the music is good but i stopped watching ten minutes in and never kept going too much text

>a generation
>bottom mentally ill 1% is a generation

lol lmao ex dee pepga poggers LUL kill yourself faggot

>pol meetup
>actually a diverse group of friends
>come together to take down leftism with traditional values

They literally made this thread to b8 tv into discussing their shitty documentary

You're not white and you're barely a male, you estrogen overdosed incel

Based and comfy board genocide poster

>Yas Forums movie
>About big guys and cunnies
>jannie antagonist
Would be kino

she got pissed off in the other one bc it got derailed and made a new one here

>Pretending niggers aren't shooting more in their hoods

thanks for the clarification alex post feet

Alex Lee Moyer, why does that name sound familiar?

no it wouldn't

t. jannie

I will discuss your documentary if you post your feet Alex

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Yet you probably live in a predominantly white area and spend more of you time in predominantly white areas.