>Somehow, Palpatine has returned.
I never understood why people made such a big deal about this line? Is this like "From my point of view the Jedi are evil" where people have just spent years bitching about the line even though nothing is wrong with it?
Somehow, Palpatine has returned
Because there is no reason for Palpatine to come back, let alone any way it could happen. Vader threw him down a nuclear shaft of a space station that exploded, made peace with Luke, redeemed himself and his actions in episode III, but not only do they just drag Palpatine back into the franchise, they can't even come up with some one-line explanation. "He just returned somehow"
Hello JJ
have sex
They explained in the movie that Palpatine was a clone. The "Somehow" was for the perspective of Poe because obviously Poe wouldn't personally know that. We only learn it because we see Kylo Ren on Exigol.
It's just a perfect illustration of the movie and the sequel trilogy in general: simplistic and awkwardly delivered, brushing off connections, implications and explanations as non-important.
Also whether you believe it was intentionally self aware, or simply hilariously coincidental, the results are still ridiculous.
Palpatine didn't clone himself. He "resurrected" himself with the force.
That's all of JJ Abrams' movies really. How he continued to get work after the "surprise boxes" speech is beyond me. And before anyone says the Jewish thing, NO OTHER JEWISH DIRECTOR has ever gotten away with that.
I used to think it was curious how the writers would be willing to sabotage their own movie like this.
But it's kind of a trend with modern popcorn writing like this and capeshit: the highschool logic in play is that if you make fun of yourself FIRST you rob everybody else of the chance to ridicule you.
I mean, almost every Marvel movie now includes a scene in which a character just goes "SERIOUSLY???" when something over the top, unlikely or downright stupid happens.
Because it sounds like a parody such as "the bad guy returned for some reason and our heroes must gather again and fight him to save peace or something" and the look on his face reflects how tiresome the new trilogy became after just two movies.
he was know as the emperor, palpatine would be a name known only to a select few. How do people barely know the jedi existed but know the emperor's name like they were sheeving it up? The whole trilogy is a complete mess and feels like a report turned in by a freshman who furiously researched 20 pages on wookiepedia 2 hours before due dat
What about Emperor Palpatine's Surgical Reconstruction Centre?
I think the "mystery box" concept works because, like a lot of scam business, by the time one's customer base realizes they've been duped, one has already collected all their money.
He didn't clone himself, the sith cultists did. There is also a snoke in a tank there too
>"From my point of view the Jedi are evil"
>nothing is wrong with it
If you really think that, explaining what's wrong with the Palpatine line will be difficult.
>palpatine would be a name known only to a select few
>Chancellor Palpatine publicly declares himself Emperor
>Name only know to a select few
Not calling him the Emperor was stupid but his real name wasn't a mystery
That's not all of it. The beauty of the scheme is that it's self sustaining: the audience is so willing to force themselves to believe they've not been swindled that THEY will make excuses for YOU themselves
Oscar Isaac is probably happy that he can finally get back to real movies now.
It just sounds stupid, while not being particularly wrong.
Ironically, "From my point of view the Jedi are wrong" would have been less wrong
They didn’t explain the cloning in the movie. We just got he one like from the guy from Lord of the Rings, spitballing about Sith secrets. He had even less to go on than Poe.
A good question... For another time.
ITT: seething jedi butthurt about not knowing based Sith secrets
It sure is convenient that the Sith cultists did not ever show up at any point in the previous movies even though by all logic they should have.
I thought you only got Siths in twos. Are the cultists like fanboys or clerical staff but without actual Sith powers?
>They explained in the movie that Palpatine was a clone
No they didn't
>He didn't clone himself, the sith cultists did.
So why are his hands burnt and missing bits like he fell into an explosion?
Because he's an imperfect clone. Snoke was also a clone of Palpatine and had that fucked up face and holes in his head.
Because cloning is the most boring thing ever. Instead of doing some magic jedi mumbo jumbo you just "lmao he was a clone haha". It has no stakes and brings the whole problem in that there could be hundreds of them anywhere in the galaxy and makes the threat so boring and repetive.
If they really wanted to bring Palpatine back they should have made him a demented force-ghost thats stuck in the remains of death star that just leads them somewhere else or some shit, not make him the main villain
It's sad because that's what people were theorizing with the first trailer and then they ended up going with the most generic idea possible. All three of these movies are just so generic, I don't get it. I especially don't get that the middle one is praised as if it's totally different from the other two. It's still generic as fuck.
SOMEHOW (18hrs into the final act of epic saga conclusion) Somehow, just somehow... a bad guy came back.
Where did it all go wrong? This movie was the worst shit I ever subjected myself to. Not even TLJ made me feel like I'd just been shit on.
Star Wars fans, which is another way of saying "absolute retards", truly believe that the trilogies are science fiction and not cosmic fairy tales. Under loose space fantasy rules unlikely and illogical things are expected to happen to protagonists. This is also why the TLJ feel so utterly out of place.
> #
>They explained in the movie that Palpatine was a clone.
No they didn't. You're thinking of the tweet that came out after the movie.
I've heard that according to the novelization he transferred his consciousness to Exagol when he was falling down the shaft. Honestly, I sort of can let it pass in the grand scheme of things - his death wasn't shown in the ROTJ unlike in the last movie.
That is such an irritating explanation. I would be bothered less if they could actually come up with a cool explanation but they can't even do that, it sounds so half-assed.
Both those lines are shit and you're retarded
>Somehow Darth Maul has returned