What kino is best paired with an honest days work?

What kino is best paired with an honest days work?

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op here, i'm gay btw if it matters

>This image makes NEETS cry and shit their pants

>This image makes NEETS laugh and shit their pants then wagies clean it up

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>"working is good for you"
>*muffled autistic screeching from the basement*

>What kino is best paired with an honest days work?
The video of Bernie Sanders endorsing Biden.

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>have never worked a day in your life
>people actually buy that

>accept your crappy job and be happy about it


why do Americans do this

What kino is best paired with an honest days work?

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Yeah, I'm thinking double, double dubs.

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Crappy jobs for crappy people.

Because they like not paying 65% eurocuck taxes and then dying in shitty Free(tm) healthcare system.

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This is a bit over the top but fundamentally he's right. People aren't entitled too free shit and just getting a cushy office job handed too them

Rent free

>Used to laugh at this imagine when I was a neet
>Got a good job with a great boss
>Suddenly agree with almost everything on the list
Kino for this feel?

>be Mike Rowe
>sing opera
>suddenly, television!
>show called Dirty Jobs
>sure, fuck it, good money
>suddenly, EXPERT
>make shitcunt placard for people
>hurrr you work da 70-hour week for da connamee
>drustht me, I am expert
What a fucking faggot. I'd drop this cunt with one punch. Been working 60-hour weeks in shit jobs for 25 fucking years and I hate hypocrites. Fuck them all.

Just another example of why boomers should die already

Who will millennials scapegoat once the boomers are gone and the zoomers wants to genocide their ass

I could snap you in half.

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>One billion genders is "science"

Imagine being this epically retarded. Imagine being a Common Core-raised, unironic faggot. Imagine discriminating against someone purely because of their age. Imagine being the dumb fuck who fell for the oldest (((trick))) in the book - "keep them fighting over EVERYTHING."

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More like the S.L.A.V.E Pledge.

ZOG: The Brainwashing of a Jewish Slave

It fills me with a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that the younger generation is never going to afford a house and will live paycheck to paycheck until the grave

Unequivocally based


Shut up boomer snowflakes

100% this BUT he lost all my respect for that gender nonsense. That's not fucking science that's a political agenda.

Just remember goyim, the Mishna holds true to there being at least eight genders.

Any Boomer who tells you they did unpaid work "back in the day" is a fucking liar. Anyone who actually does unpaid work, now, is a fucking idiot. Your boss is not your friend. The business is not your family. Ergo, fuck you, pay me.

So what happens when the older generation inevitably dies out?

It fills me with a war fuzzy feeling knowing that you'll be rotting in a shady retirement home being tended to by filthy migrants who'll shit in your tee.

immortality is just around the corner bro
they planned this out carefully

>I ruined the world and I'm happy about it!
Hell awaits you.

>shit in your tee
Common Core, everyone.

How's boeing doing these days?

what a bootlicking cuck

With universal healthcare that the zoomers are aiming for the boomers will live to be at least 80. I'm sure they'll have time to sell the house and spend it all in Vegas

>I believe that all people are created equal

No, why would I believe that? Is this guy retarded?