Watching episode 1

>watching episode 1
>guy claims to be depressed, lonely and alienated from normies
>bangs his sexy neighbour and almost bangs another roastie that wanted his dick

Is this show worth it? I don't want to waste 10 hrs only to find this show is some edgy pretentious bullshit about a normie LARPing as a morally ambiguous le hacker type autist.

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Loners that are alienated from society still have sex. We are that low on the totem pole that having sex is seen as a luxury to us

Season 1 was good
Season 2 was a predictable boring slog
Never watched season 3

He only has sex once in the entire series and it was episode 1. The rest is him being a complete autist NEET hacker.

He is actually autistic in the show and has a hard time communicating socially. Also the main show's villain is a tranny so take it as you will.

the ending to this show is retarded dogshit, but literally every episode up until the last one is kino, some more than others

She’s not the villain she only shows up briefly to advance the plot wtf?

Not true
He had sex in the last season

S2 was dogshit because they tried to repeat the twist but without any point and shoved all the shitty female characters to the front with their boring filler drama. I powered through, thinking the show was building towards something then dropped it in s3 when I realized it was going nowhere and I wasted my time for nothing.

It's good but expect a shit ending

I think you meant kino ending

the main antagonist of the entire show is a literal tranny, OP
it's edgy pretentious bullshit.

also the ending is "it was a dream all along", and the entire show was just in one autistic child's head who wanted to be a super cool hacker

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And that makes total sense when you get to the end.

Yeah but that one good sex in the first episode was to really rub it into the faces of all the neet virgin watchers who expected someone they could idenfitiy with and got CHAD sex having hackerman instead

>also the ending is "it was a dream all along", and the entire show was just in one autistic child's head who wanted to be a super cool hacker
That's not the ending. It all happens in reality. The real Elliott was being "possessed" by the hacker personality the whole time.

also you obviously haven't watched much of it

Don't trust those retards who didn't understand fucking simple ending, it's good actually.

It's not you fucking moron. It's the epitome of Pretentious.

Yes, and when I'm imagining 3 girls sucking my dick while my girlfriend watches, I'm only being posessed by a guy with 3 girls sucking his dick while his girlfriend watches.

If you thinks ending was "it was a dream all along" bullshit, that means you're literally incapable of analyzing works of art.

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It starts out promising then falls apart after the first season, like nearly all shows.

It's not about having different taste, i can understand why would you dislike this show, it has many problems.
It's about you don't understand simple plot, you fucking idiot

>It's about you don't understand simple plot, you fucking idiot

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The events of the main show were not imagined. There were very few things that were just in his imagination.
[Spoiler]Mr Robot's physical presence in season 1, Darlene not being his sister in season 1, not being in prison in season 2, the false events he used to mentally cover the trauma of his childhood rape. That's pretty much it.
everything else actually happens.

>>It's about you don't understand simple plot, you fucking idiot

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Its only the best show in years 1,3 and 4 are epic 2 is a slog
This show goes fucking deep

>This show goes fucking deep

See OP? It's edgy pretentious bullshit. Don't watch it.

Truth is, season 2 is pleb filter and season 1 is the worst.

>Be autistic loner.
>Bang junkie neighbor.
>Worry Junkie Neighbor gave you STD.
>Wind up more depressed.
>Being an obsessive Compulsive Autistic can fucking suck.

Absolute waste of time, DO NOT WATCH THIS SHOW

True, I haven't had friends since high school ended (8 years ago) and actively avoid making friends because people are boring and annoying. Yet, I actively stay in touch with 7 different women, all of whom I have fucked and still do. It helps to live near a big city though.

In Season 2 and 3 it watches like a worse breaking bad but trying to be serious
You could draw many parallels to better call Saul

it was all a dream by a schizo in a coma, how is that good?