I'm a millionaire

>I'm a millionaire
>my wife is a 10/10
>my kids are adorable and love me unconditionally
>every girl that sees me wants to have sex with me

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This show probably sucks ass, doesn't it.

You didn't watch the show did you


I did, but did you?

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His kids are adorable alright.

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The whole point was the duality of insincerity in the lie of his life and advertising

Only at the end does he embrace it


He isn't a millionaire
His wife is a fucking child mentally
You can have kids and still be depressed
Almost like casual sex isn't fulfilling...
He was also pretending to be someone else 24/7

>He isn't a millionaire

literally confirmed for never watching the show

Doesn't start a millionaire so I guess you watched more than one season of a show you hated

>both the girls Don marries are vapid, vain cunts
>all the girls Don has sex with but doesn't marry are pretty much ideal partners
pic very much related

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I've never seen whatever this is but you know money, status and I assume being a 10/10 chad (can't speak on this one) absolutely do not mean you'll be happy. I was abused growing up and dropped the hair dryer in the bathtub at 19, when I was worth around £250k from bitcoin, studying medicine ("medical school") and leaving my old life behind.

Pisses me off so much when the worst problem someone has is not having enough money (which is impossible in first world countries as long as you don't have 4 kids as asingle mum)

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Its actually the best show ever made after Sopranos and Deadwood
Guy is memeing but Don is rarely ever depressed in the show. More jaded

>.I was wrong when I said he wasn't a millionaire. fuck.

>Doesn't start a millionaire
Maybe not in 1960s value but he certainly would be a millionaire today in the first episode

>I was abused growing up and dropped the hair dryer in the bathtub at 19, when I was worth around £250k from bitcoin, studying medicine ("medical school") and leaving my old life behind.
What was going on big guy

wut, the horse-mouthed Canadian one is waifu tier

Kill yourself and give me your money you whiny faggot

So he wasn't a millionaire and that's one point out of the four you made you are arguing for

Jon Hamm cant act

Megan's a cunt
it's time you come to terms with that

He was 100% a millionaire

>Megan's a cunt
I don't remember any reason why but I also think this.

Not at the start

dude it's the ennui that got to him, poor guy

he's literally a millionaire

she was basically given a career that most people would kill for and she threw it away to become an actress which she was terrible at
then when she got a little fame as an actress on a shitty soap opera she let it go to her head and thought she was too good to do anything that wasn't leading work

Prove it

>manliness is alcoholic despair, arguments and mentoring roasties
How did they ever convince men to watch this "noir" crap.

>Megan 2014

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Yes but she's adorable and into BDSM