This guy asks you what the fuck you're doing here aggressively, how do you respond?

This guy asks you what the fuck you're doing here aggressively, how do you respond?

Attached: sneed.jpg (953x713, 66.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"Yo mama"

Holy fuck what is this artstyle its so ugly jfc

they were inspired by your mom LMAO

Yeah well my mom fucked ur dad and gave birth to a potato

Who even invited Pim to that party?

Attached: Day 0 nofap.jpg (1920x1080, 595.42K)

Stop being anti Semitic.

ill just laugh and tell him im slaying some pussy
take my shirt off and flex
but of course im not an autist like most people in here and I know how to act in public

yes, you're an even bigger autist than most people here

i don't know

I whip my dick out

shit in his mouth

When is YOLO going up to stream on their site?

It was a once off sneak peek, it won't officially be on there until August.
You can probably find the episode on pirate bay or something though.

>tfw one foot in the grave (30 years old)

Attached: 1587317909105.jpg (1670x2048, 220.67K)

What episode is this?

>Dick hanging out


Make fun of his face and stutter a little like a retard

Smiling Friends, Pilot episode.

>people dont recognize an age old pasta

checking them dubs and tha pasta knowledge

a man who lifts metal bars is better than a man who doesn't

>but muh personality
fapping to loli is not a personality

I'm checking out my looks in the reflection on your bald head, faggot.

Probably the most based man on Yas Forums right now.

quads of truth

I tell him I'm not old.

>another r*ddit friends thread

Tell the faggot to kill himself.

>ill just take my shirt off and flex
>but of course im not an autist
>I know how to act in public

Attached: 1580551716300.jpg (625x480, 70.63K)

Probably ignore him like I do with most people who think they matter.
I'm not joking, I don't remember why, but one time some old dick (I guess boomer) was asking me something and I just ignored him, I've never seen anyone get so mad over literally nothing.
It was "hold me back or I'll kill this guy" type of anger, and I just sat there while his friend tried to calm him down.

Suck his dick