This is a 26 year old man

>this is a 26 year old man

Bravo Vince

Attached: AC7A105D-25D2-4C73-AC98-362E5C68F6C0.png (1441x1440, 1.17M)

>not actually travelling back in time to film the scene

>Here's that mid-20s twink I was telling you about

Looks younger than me and I'm 24

I know this is just a shitty bait thread but im 27 and whenever i see someone my age on tv they always look much more mature than me. I dont know if its true but i still just see myself as a kid and think i look like one too. Do 27 year olds really look like grown men?

This flashback was in the 80s?

De age or recast him.

>He didn't time travel to 1992 to film that scene with Bob Odenkirk

>i still just see myself as a kid and think i look like one too
A lot of people do. You're all wrong, grow up.

Here’s the kid I was telling you about, calls himself Mike

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Its literally just a tv show

This is what a typical 26 year old looks like in America now



i'd rather they do this than utilize GGI or prosthetics and make him look like an alien

I love this show so much shit like this doesnt bother me

Just suspend your disbelief. Amazing how people today or so lazy they can't use their imagination passively. Maybe TVs should dispense little doughnut treats for you. That way you can overcome the strain of quietly sitting and thinking about stuff.

I love how plebs seeth over things like this

This is what twenty year olds looked like back in the 90's, zoomer.

>recast him
That's fucking retarded.

I feel the same. Same age too.

It sucks being single because w*men our age look like fucking shit but 20 - 22 year olds are retarded zoomers.

What episode was this again?

The whole show is framed as a flashback from Saul in his new life as a Cinnabon stand cook.

This is how HE sees himself as a 26 year old.

So yes. Bravo Vince.

Are the cartel scenes also flashbacks? Could he see outside of his body?
Bravo, Vince.

Saul Goodman is a professional, clinical liar. His own memory isn't a reliable source as a narrator. The fact the show embraces inconsistencies and has unexplained inclusions is a statement on Saul's character.


Yeah. There's no excuse. Practical effects could make it more believable
It looks as shitty as that young Dexter from its series

>this is 21 years old
What did Vince mean by this?

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>this is a 15 year old boy
Bravo Vince

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>de age
how about I curb stomp your retarded lil reddit skull instead huh?

>this is a 22 year old woman
Yes, good, now GIB MAILROOM KIM GF.

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>no Dexter pic itt
Yas Forums is not the same anymore

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