People think a gorilla would unironically win

>people think a gorilla would unironically win

l o l

Attached: bear_nunchuks.webm (800x450, 3M)

A gorilla probably would win against a pussy ass black bear. A grizzly or a polar bear is a fight I wanna see.

Who would win? A strong guy with two knives vs a really really strong guy?

*gong noise* yoooooooooooooooo

Gorillas are not only complete pussies, but they barely ever use their full body strength. They are lame as fuck.

*blocks both your paths*
*laffin* *laffin*

Attached: Hyena-in-Hwange-National-Park.jpg (800x460, 76.26K)

A bear would absolutely demolish a fucking gorilla

wtf is this real!!??


Attached: bear.webm (720x480, 2.63M)

WHAO wtf how is that cat dancing?

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>caring about sub-tier animals
brb, being literally the most based chad on the fucking planet

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Thats a person in a suit


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damn, he slick

>gorilla v bear
>but both have a sword
who would win??

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Blue Whale is the strongest animal

>gets raped by his gf

a hyena alone is rarely a threat to anything bigger than a rabbit. they attack in packs like the niggers they are.

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knife guy

depends on the sword

>teamwork means being a nigger
imagine actually believing this.

Fucking idiot, you're supposed to say
>Ouch! Right in the bear necessities

is there a vid with audio of this?

That's not a cat... RETARD!

bear has a katana
gorilla has a gladius

A polar bear would demolish a gorilla. A grizzly would be more close but the grizzly probably still wins. Depends on the environment and how much the gorilla has to work with.

He's just making high pitched panda noises.

>giving bear the meme sword
wasted trips.

Who would win?

Attached: bear_vs_gorilla.png (480x360, 441.84K)

>Babe it's time for your dick flattening
>Yes honey

Attached: theproblemwith.jpg (1026x577, 219.08K)

OP pic alone shows the bear knows how to swing and has patience.
the Gorilla being dumb would just drop the sword out of frustration

depends on the mass and height of the v v strong man

literally undefeated

nigga do you know how fuckin' big a polar bear is?

Ouch. Right in the snow balls

>A polar bear
That's just a slaughter. The Gorilla would have no way to hurt it

A polar bear is literally as tall as an elephant when standing up, gorilla wouldn't even attack it begin with

Pick your main Yas Forums

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*blocks your path*

Komodo bros unite
With enough blood sacrifices we will resurrect megalania

Honey badger would fuck them all up