ITT: Subject
Based gentaro friendzones every girl in his school, cucks the captain of the football team on prom night, only truly attracted to alien slime waifu
what's up with 50% of JAV actresses looking like literal kids.
Pic related.
Superior jomon genetics folded 1000 times.
party animal reporting in
this looks like shit
We had these table divisions in school as well but I would always eat while walking around the cafeteria in a circle so it didn't matter to me
Low key rider thread?
What movie?
this is unironically hysterical
i used to fap to this show so much god bless sono
>eating while remaining in constant motion
Chad move, honestly.
Kamen Rider Fourze
Trying to find a school drama/romcom where protag gets superpowers everytime he pees himself. Any help?
Love Exposure is the best film ever made
Shame what happened to the actress that played the main girl in Fourze.
Did she died?
No, she became a cultist.
She joined a cult. In some ways, it's not that different to her previous line of work. It's just that the old men she's fucking don't call themselves "producers" now.
what is this from? see it posted all the time.
Okay that's it anyone who watches JAV is a pedo now.
What's the name of the show?
Delete the stray frame at the end asshole.
Favorite Straight to DVD kinos?
For moi?
and you?
literally just charge him and lynch him?
what was her problem?
The Rapeman series of films is pretty great.
source please