There’s no way someone can do that, the picture is altered right? like as a Yas Forums meme? I’ve never ridden a bike but i can imagine the bike would tip over instantly. You would need EXTREME balance and upper body strength! I cant wrap my head around it.
This image has to be fake right?
imagine being this much of an incel.
>I've never ridden a bike
KEK what a fucking loser lol.
Most of us live in first world countries that have automobiles
>all this theorycrafting
Do you have any idea how easy that is? You need basically no prior knowledge or skills to pull it off. Child's play, really. In fact, I've seen LITERAL children do it. All you do is open up Photoshop and move the leg to the other side. Fucking easy.
nah, im not coordinated at all and even i was able to do this, it seemed really cool until I did it myself . Your weight really isn't shift all that much.
what the fuck do you mean you've never ridden a bike? where are from that you have access to the internet and pics of brad pitt, but not a fucking bicycle?
How the fuck have you never rode a bike? Everyone gets one as a kid
>I-I wasn't too b-broke! I-I was simply a patrician
Cycling isn't a poor man's sport for a reason dipshit
this. even complete retards know how to ride bikes
Not him but I haven't been on a bike since I was 12 because mine was stolen and my parents never bought me another one
i know it's a meme and all but some people don't realize how many pictures those cameras take per second. he could just be hopping off a moving bike and it looks like he's walking on water. same reason people are "caught" looking at titties or looking like they hate someone when they are just looking around the room
yeah but you at least rode one when you were twelve. I don't think I know anyone in real life who's literally never been on a bike, and i hate cycling.
I'm not sure if it's fake or not, but I know one thing. This guy is about to eat shit and should have worn a helmet
>tfw every movie is fake
fuck bros what do i say?
Not sure if this is bait or not... but whatever.
No this is real, very easy to do.
You almost instinctively do this when cooking to a long stop.
If it wasn’t raining I’d do one better and film myself riding a bike while standing on its frame. Physics.
because your a fat fuck
Not gonna lie they had me in the first half.
its the patrician way of getting off the bike
tell her to fuck off
There are a couple green screen bois holding him up
Yes, here's the original.
That must be such a fucking good core workout
I literally just did this earlier today and I'm a Yas Forums autist so this post is fucking sending me
That's how people in 3rd world countries get on bikes.
For whatever reason, probably monkey see - monkey do, they get a running start, stand on one pedal and then do what Pitts doing - flip the other leg over.
My dad tried to tell me to do this as a kid. He still talks about that being the correct way to do it now.
In my head I've always thought he was a moron and no wonder that shit hole he comes from is still a shit hole and will always be one. I thought I was going needlessly face plant on the sidewalk doing it that way. I started riding my bike as kid that way.. stupid.
One of the many shit kernels of advice from him I learned didn't work.
he is not a child anymore, his decision. children on the other hand should always wear a helmet
I think he is just hopping on the bike or getting off the bike. it's just a snapshot