Post the most terrifying thing from television and film you can think of

Attached: spooky.webm (720x400, 2.94M)

I downloaded that webm on my phone and opened VLC for THAT? Pshhh, nice try, kid.

that one where Owen Wilson's head comes off
omg literally trauma for years


Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you.

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The moment the screen goes black and it shows my reflection.

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don't fucking click this

Attached: Mouth of Sauren The Great.webm (720x900, 2.06M)

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Amateurs. All of you.

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That hobo is very attractive

would post the nudes but i wanna be able to sleep tonight

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dumb itoddler

Attached: 15505sat.webm (714x720, 119.91K)

>there are people that will claim this is human

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this one actually startled me

Silent Hill 2

There was this phase when I was a kid where they would costume people in these plastic looking outfits, shit like the Duracell Family, Dog Boy on Liquid TV, the Primus video, etc. that would scare the ever loving shit out of me, and to this day looking at this shit gives me goosebumps and creeps me the fuck out.

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Attached: 1446725749513.webm (1920x1078, 2.74M)

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I forgot about these guys


fuck you dike

she has some serious dick sucking lips
god damn

Not necessarily that it disturbed me but how it caught me off guard that unsettled me

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>copping a pathetic, half-cocked punch from a 100lb girl with fuck-all muscle-mass
You're a weak human. She'd break her wrist before it broke any part of your face..

some bitch squares up on me like this I am putting her through a fucking wall

i dont think i can be scared by anything anymore. when i was younger the exorcist and some creepy photos would do the trick but not any more. even when i have disturbing nightmares idon't get freaked out.

I could feel the butthole of everyone in the audience pucker during this. Some older folks were obviously not happy

>I could feel the butthole of everyone in the audience

When the screen goes black and I see my reflection

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