Will this scene be in the biopic?


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No source: Thanks Yas Forums!

Woah...this is the power of American education...

biopic? We're gonna need a multi-season 20-episode season story arcs to explain all the stupid shit happening.

lmao how can you not vote for this guy this november. He's so fucking funny.

At this rate there won't be a biopic. No one will fucking believe it

tdf is quick tonight

How does it work? Like more vitamin D is produced?

Like, yeah I mean that exists. I get he’s not a doctor it but it sounds like he’s just suggesting treatments, and they spun that into a sound bit.

Our only options are
>democrat senile boomer
>republican senile boomer

>What is Darkness to Light? A grassroots national non-profit organization based in Charleston, South Carolina that seeks to protect children from sexual abuse by placing responsibility squarely on adult shoulders. We educate adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.

Q predicted this

If he can convince his voter base to try it then I'm all for it.

tour de france?

he literally never said to inject disinfectants
theres video of this
there is nothing the left will not lie about

Thank you for Correcting The Record fellow anonymous poster

Great minds think alike

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>spun that into a sound bit
Welcome to how the media deals with politics.

He talks so incoherently that you can always interpret it anyway you like because he talks like a five year old with no real understanding of anything.

>Daddy says something pantshittingly retarded
>"Akshually libtard, that was based and factual"

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Is this guy the dumbest president in history?

>alternative medicine "clinic"

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"
Is there anything Trumpniggers won't lie about?

>This window will close in 3 seconds...

Cast it

Not an argument redditscum



Imagine fucking up explaining this that badly

Johannine and Christpilled

>virus lives longest in indoors areas without sunlight

Shut up goy! Don't listen to what he's saying - listen to what we're saying he's saying.

Fake news, never happened libtard

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Obama and Bush exist

Obama was extremely intelligent and Bush was just pretending to be a dumb good ol' boy from Texas, despite being a Yale educated New England WASP.

>Hebrew added as an official language to the US
Based. Hebrew is a great language to learn.

I hate Trump but its clear he is just poorly translating what he was told by experts. Are you low IQ? Why did I even put a question mark.

Even Bush looks like Eisntein next to Trump, and people were mocking how dumb W. was for eight years.

>some literal who clinic scams you out of money which mean it must be true
Reminder that this doesn't actually work, there's a reason why research on this has been abandoned since the 1970s.