Why did none of the other “Boys Club” characters ever take off on Yas Forums?

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Pickle Blepe Chungus

That one mouse one kinda did as a gay reaction face, and I think the wolf man puking is a go-to reaction face.

Our licensing agreement only covered the green frog

Man, I’m cringing even just looking at this picture

They would show up years ago here and there.

>But I killed Pepe! You cant keep using a dead character! He is dead! dead!

Dont forget the night riders. My kids love the book.

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>Heinrich Landwolf

pepe abandoned his friends and embraced fascism

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some of the others were popular too.
the reason pepe was adopted so hard was because he is green and has a face, a more personable user green guy

The others were even more racist.

>a more personable user green guy
I think you are on to something. And that's why frogs have been popular in the past, too.

Like, I always saw Pepe as a continuation of the Foul Bachelor Frog.

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bant likes the blue one

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this wolf guy is pretty based ngl

The schutzstaffel bear is pretty based ngl

When the creator "killed" Pepe in 2016, there was a brief period in which people started using the other ones to piss off the creator. The sunglasses guy was especially popular because people realized that his glasses say "SS."

pepe didnt take off
sad frog did

sad frog was a derivative of "feels good man" which was the original pepe meme-image more or less

The Finns kept those edits for themselves once they realized the power they unleashed on the world with Pepe

Back in the day pepe became popular because of the sad frog meme. None of the other characters looked as sad when they were sad. Everything after that is just because of the massive popularity of sad frog, so there is your reason.

I hope someone has made a synthwave edit of this.

The other characters are pretty good and I use them from time to time.

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pepe was originally feels good man
then it was feels bad man
then sad frog
then smug frog
then trump pepe
then apu
then clown pepe
then fat pepe

We finns are the most ancient of whites, it's only reasonable that we have the most powerful and primal memery.

Looks comfy

Oh shit yeah, replace what i wrote in this post: with "the combination of feels good man and feels bad man was so funny that it became popular".

Obersturmführer Landwulf had his moment in the spotlight

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It really is kind of weird to think about how future historians are literally going to study and write semiotics papers examining the interplay of pepes in their various social and political contexts. Going to be a fascinating read when I'm an old fuck.