ITT: Post your favorite horror movie

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Vampyr (1932)

The fuck? This was like a solid 5/10, OP. Is it the only horror movie you've ever seen?

Good choice, OP. Pic related is mine.

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REC (Spanish)

This is your favorite? I wouldn’t even consider this horror, same with Final Destination almost. More like campfire or spooky stories.

And at any rate, it’s Return of the Living Dead/TCM/Halloween split. Feast is up there.

John Carpenter’s The Thing

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Whatever the genre is, I want more of it. I've fucking had it with The Conjuring and Insidious and the endless amount of 'The Exorcism Of ____' movies. Halloween 2019 was good though.

Yeah, I know it's a popular pick. I've seen many horrors and this is still my personal favorite, although the Lighthouse is a very close second.

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hey anons who tirelessly shill this disappointment of a movie, keep it down I'm trying to work over here

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The Collector

I kind of like that one flick where it's dark and then suddenly there's a loud bang noise and a spooky face appears and says BOO. I can't remember the name of it, but you know the one.

I also enjoyed it. I took it as a "Lara Croft goes to the underworld" sort of thing.

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Madea’s Halloween.

Good taste. That movie is horrorkino.

I agree with you, but im gonna call you a fag for using that pic. Fag

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This was a good one but it is far too slow to watch with other people. They always get bored. I enjoyed how realistic it seemed. How they spend months working on rituals just to get even the slightest thing to happen. The smoking shadow was eerie too.

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See, I don't want to be the same faggot I am about RPGs (action games with stats are NOT Role-playing games) but I feel like slashers and gore movies aren't 'real' horror movies. I've always felt 'horror' implies something supernatural.

So my favorite 'horror' movie would be Alien, and my favorite horror movie would be The Blair Witch Project.

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Hard topic I must say, i'd say it is a tie between Alien, Carrie and The Thing

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This is rubbish.

I rarely see any threads praising this movie.

The Chernobyl diaries
The ritual
Area 51

It's the type of horror movie where a group ventures out and shit starts to happen to them

What’s it like being autistic?

You mean found footage movies?

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house of the devil

im not a fag!

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Ok faggot

Not that great to be honest.

Rather than pick my absolute favorite I'm going to pick one that I love but one which might not be a favorite of most people. I love this movie.

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