cast him
Cast him
>took drugs and watches porn at the same time and spent 16 hours edging
Could you imagine someone so twisted that he could do this every day without drugs haha, that would be crazy
Me minus the drugs
Is this on r/nofap? Because I just coomed to some goth instagram thot and it took me 5 minutes because I'm not a retard.
A natural.
>5 minutes
not gonna make it
hahahahaha yeah can you imagine
it unironically takes me about 20 seconds max. is there something wrong with me? am I too horny?
>5 minutes to coom to non-nude still images
Unironically have sex
No, I can climax that fast too, I just give myself a little more time to be in the moment. We both know our penises well.
Anyone in any sort of open relationship should be publicly flayed alive
fake and gay
Also, this faggot doesn't know dangerous.
Dangerous is walking out the front door and finding a 200 pound drug addict gorilla to fuck raw.
Nothing like smoking crack again and worrying about AIDS. Nothing.
I did something similar to this, but it was just pot brownies. I ended up watching these candid videos of thai ladyboy bars, not even to jack off but just out of curiosity. Looking at the faces of these ladyboys in these tacky back alley bars and knowing they were once little asian boys playing around in rice fields or whatever, I wondered how they ended up in this situation. Was truly fascinating.
Alright joe settle down
haha monkie
I dont even beat my dick that much, but it doesnt matter if I beat my dick daily or twice a week I always cum in under half a minute. i think i may have premature ejaculation
someone posted his real profile once, and I've never found it again. I was fascinated to discover that he's a real coomer
Shut up weedfag, that is nowhere close to a 16 hour porn binge on stimulants
Stupid sluts club is crazy. I believe the posts because I know some of these women irl. The most extreme SSC posts are insane though. Dozens of men running a train while some is on drugs. Crazy
>I believe the posts because I know some of these women irl.
link the real ones
I used to smoke crack and fuck fat black hookers regularly.
why do you even know any of these sluts irl? are you a bartender?
thats why I said it was just pot brownies, not nearly as extreme. But it did last a couple hours and was a weird experience.
nigger post screenshot i aint making an account there or giving them my mail
nice try pal
I've been jerking off daily for 15 years and can still edge for 5 hours playing porn games or coom in three minutes watching porn. Nofap is just low T.
why is every good subreddit 'quarantined', and what does that even mean
Robert Knepper
take the alicepill before it's too late
before you know it you'll have a terabyte of interracial tranny gangbang porn.
i browse hundreds of pages of gelbooru in my bed everyday and i dont need meth to do it. also my cock is rock hard the entire time
It wasn't me user, but it could have been. I had a drug problem in the 90s.
Nothing quite like trying to beat off your shriveled little dick to Audrey Hepburn movies.
Everything on this sub is just roleplay
i can beat that. doesnt feel nearly as good though but sometimes i got other shit to do
Some of the best times though. Taking some molly and fapping endlessly to porn all night. It's best if you don't have porn addiction Goddamn i can't wait to score some more it's been a couple of years.
it was quarantined after a thread had several posts had images/vids with drivers id to prove they were related from another m/d couple
hey alice poster, nice to see you, I guess you took a break from all the interracial spam these past few months
>Porn binges.
Jesus watching 1 video and a wank is good enough for me.
i think mother/daughter shit happens irl way more often than mother/son
nofap is only low t if you dont beat your dick once a week. a lot of people on nofap forget or dont know to do that so they end up with no testosterone and sex drive after a while
just keep an eye on those sketchy dudes and everything will be fun bros
how does someone sink so low?
>He demanded I get a towel to wipe his cum off my wife
What a chad.