Should I watch The Office

So is the office any good?
It keeps playing on Comedy Central and to me it just looks like a normie Its Always Sunny, what do you say Yas Forums

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reddit: the show

Reddit as fuck

it's alright if you're a simp

That means nothing, please give actual criticism

>normie Its Always Sunny
So Its Always Sunny?

>wageslave relatability: the show
it's for people that work at places like Dunder Mifflin and aspire to be nothing else

It’s a good show. But it essentially turns into a rom-com by the middle so if you’re not into that, then don’t watch.


ignore them OP, they are hipsters who don't like popular things even when they're genuinely entertaining. It's worth a watch.

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I actually felt that it handled wageslavery pretty well. You have Pam who tries something else only to realize that she honestly isn’t talented enough, so while she does move up it’s not anything huge.

You have guys who hate their jobs and guys who are ok with their jobs.

The fuck kind of work do you do that you can look down your nose at office drones?

I didn't really watch it when it aired, and like you have been watching.

The early seasons are good, but my interest is waning in season 5.

It's wageslave propaganda. The most insidious programming I've ever seen on American television. I'd steer clear of it if you have any taste.

Don't be THAT contrarian hipster can't like things because of popularity with "normies".
Just give it a watch, if you like it you like it. If not, move on.
First season is a bit rough, Michael isnt very likable. Too much like UK Office. Becomes a better boss starting at season 2.
I dropped it at S9E1.

Hey, no shit talking its always sunny

The first 3 maybe even 4 seasons are kino. Then it starts to drop off a bit. By season 8 it's pretty bad. It's really funny if you like cringy humor. Towards the end it just goes for blatant in your face humor

charlie has said nigger at least 3 times and rob mac has done blackface at least 4 times, its based

parks n rec > the office

All burger sitcoms besides Frasier are mediocre trash not worth watching

Watch the first 3 seasons then stop

>hipsters here act like Frasier is the thinking man's sitcom, reserved only for the intellectual elite and those too good for TV
>watch the first 10 episodes and it's just a couple of toffs and their old Dad quarreling about cultural differences and quack science
It's cut and paste from every other fucking odd couple sitcom. At least Seinfeld and the simpsons are funny. Fuck Frasier.

First two seasons are alright. It goes downhill from there then falls off a cliff after Jim and Pam finally get together.

Get a load of this brainlet.

In fairness, you need a very high IQ to understand Frasier...

Seinfeld is jew trash. Kill yourself bugman.

The Office UK: Yas Forums
The reddit US: Reddit

Not a truer statement has been said.

What if I genuinely dislike both?

Watch the original

the british one is

It’s just chronically uninteresting. Passable I guess, just lacking any sort of creativity or nuance. I guess it was interesting at the time when the only real US comedy tv was just derivative 00s sitcoms, but it’s aged pretty terribly