I never knew it was possible for an animated show to be this kino

I never knew it was possible for an animated show to be this kino

Attached: The-Midnight-Gospel.jpg (675x1000, 157.95K)

>adult animation

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OOF, that's a BIG CRINGE for me DOG

I watched the entire thing and I don't know it to be kino.

episode 6 is the only good one because it has its own story rather than random Jodorowsky imagery over retartded hippie conversations. Steve Little and Phil Hendrie were the only funny ones.

Listen to a better podcast while watching the visuals. I'm going to rewatch it but listen to Cum Town or High Society Radio.

Hey guys, remember when an autistic person started trying to force a quality based distinction between movie, film, and cinema? Then Yas Forums began mocking him ceaselessly? Eventually adding a ton of nonsense terms to either end of his literal and figurative spectrum? With “kino” being the final highest end of the quality side?

Then once ESLs and marketers started rushing into the site, they saw all the spam of “kino” as some sort of in-site meme meaning “good?”

Good times. Good fucking times.

This is just Dr Katz for people who think drugs make you an interesting artist.

>calarts garbage


I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

I liked it.

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will i like this if i like adventure time

Netflix has produced only three good shows and this is one of them as a fan of the film Waking Life and as someone who enjoys the metaphysical/spirituality concepts of life and death the show hammers at these concepts so realistically you almost feel like you’re having these conversations with the characters as a fly on the wall. Most shows today idle on mundane plots and characters that have no real bearing on anything (drug dealers, feminists, political shit) The midnight gospel completely dissociates from the typical norm and truly attempts to have a real dialogue regarding the current state of the modern human. The animation is adorable better than the standard Stephen universe shit being pumped out and it doesn’t completely distract the viewer from the deep concepts the interview is going on about.
Episode 2 hit the hardest it’s by far the most deep of the entire show I haven’t seen the last episode yet but I plan to and I plan to rewatch it again and again as it’s rare to ever see gems like these pop up.

Watch waking life and if you like that watch the midnight gospel the narrative is exactly the same. If you go in expecting adventure time you’ll be disappointed it’s nothing like it, it’s more like if space ghost coast to coast was interviewing Nietzsche and Kafka while high on acid

>Immediately skeptical due to the stoner style of animation
>give it a shot anyway
>in the first 5 minutes they talk about the legalisation of weed
This show is made for fans of Joe Rogan's "comedy".

The first episode is for fun, the rest get way more in depth give it one more try skipping episode 1 isnt going to hurt you

its just a podcast

They baited me into listening to a podcast.

>Muh marketer conspiracy
>Everything I disagree with is paid for

Is it pozzed?

Yea first episode fucking sucked, yet episodes 2 and 3 blew me away. I'm watching the rest of the series tomorrow but I urge you to skip the first episode and continue with the rest.


At least it's not newgrounds style

pendleton ward is what all calarts niggers bit off of. this is HIS style. they're the ones who drove it into the ground.

is it good or is it yet another rick and morty clone targeted towards redditors

It’s nothing like Rick and morty the background animation is very silly a lot of the times but the narrative has nothing to do with it
Rick and morty is trash tv for a trash audience, TMG is for viewers looking to honestly expand their mind on new concepts

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>tumblr stoner reddit cartoon


Attached: vlcsnap-2020-04-23-19h00m34s235.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

>wild animal that lives in the forest and eats children
>writes novels, knows her father died of brain cancer, and has a partner who works in hospice
>talks about religion while being turned into ground meat, transported through a tube, and becoming a giant monster made of ground meat
What. The. FUCK?!

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Please tell me Pen Ward got his balls back. It's depressing what they did to Finn. Torturing him for being a boy, cucking him, even raping him, while the female characters got praise despite being literal Mengele analogues.