Watching Star Wars in chronological order, is it worth it?

I'm planning to watch in this order
>The Phantom Menace
>Attack of the Clones
>Revenge of the Sith
>Rogue One
>A New Hope
>Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi

Where should I put the animated series?

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Isnt it kinda overlapping around 2 and 3?


That is the order to watch. They are numbered for a reason.

Just as long as you never watch the sequel trilogy, you should be fine

You're talking about 15 hours of children's movies made to sell toys.
Read a book instead.

stop right there unless you want to get *phzzewd* little baby began

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I don't plan to, they are awful.

go reply to more posts on Yas Forums

I wanna throw a rock at this whores head

That's some nice boobs

nothing past the original trilogy is worth watching

Well, recommend me some books then

Yeah, dude, we know you're getting old and bitter


I did that about a month ago. At the very least it was worth it for screenshots when I funpost on Yas Forums.

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I forgot about that Solo movie. Should I even bother?

Brave New World
Heart of Darkness
Old Man and the Sea
The Space Trilogy
Crime and Punishment
The Republic

What makes you say that? Or are you just being contrarian
Thanks for the list, user. I've read The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway last year it was great. Is the Old Man and the Sea any good?

The Horus Heresy

>thinking prequels, sequels, and the eu are garbage
lol just lol

Yes, The Old Man and the Sea is a cracker tale, pretty short book too. It's a story you couldn't film just because of the type of narrative it is.
Intense adventure/intimate character study.

>Watching Star Wars
>worth it
pick 1

Only watch the prequels.

I might try to get a copy of the book, if not libgen is always there

If you're going to watch rogue one you might as well watch the other Disney shit too

Sequel Trilogy is kino and by not watching them you are falling for Yas Forumss manufactured narrative.

The people responding to me will get defensive and disagree, but it's unfortunately the blatant truth.

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A Jenny sympathizer on a Megan thread? How sad

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You have to watch Solo before/after rogue one.

Just focus on them first

Animated series takes place between 2 and 3, but for a marathon I recommend skipping it or watching it after. A few dozen hours of tween animation between movies kind of fucks up the pacing,even though I like TCW.