Does Kantbot even post on Yas Forums?

A movie by a woman where a facedoxxed podcaster speaks for underground culture?

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Just watch this at least they have the decency to keep their faces out of it and keep it about wojak

Saw this posted on biz the other day. So refreshing desu

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>Hello, I am [Name]. I speak for Anonymous.

from the little I've seen this documentary is just interviews about chan "culture" from people who stuck around in vaguely right wing political twitter post 2016. not saying it won't be worth a watch but I'm pretty sure it's not the incel kinoe you guys want...i'd wager most of the people that are going to be interviewed don't really struggle romantically. so don't expect it them to discover the next nick drake in it because it's literally going to be cool meme so ironic so despondent twitter the documentary

why dont I have a girlfriend bros? I would rather be kising a girl right now then hanging out with you guys

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2020 he is forgotten

no all those fags besides eggy were 2016 tourists that think Yas Forums is going to cause an epic paradigm shift but don't actually come here

Stop shilling this crap

never forgotten, faggot

Why don't Incels just have sex?

>not going to talk about Shuaiby, a robot who killed himself live on Youtube
>probably just going to reference the likes of Elliot Rodgers who never used Yas Forums
>approach "incels" and robots from the idea that all they want are girlfriends and not the idea that society has hyper-commercialized the idea of self worth and that if you aren't rich, attractive, popular, or a woman then you're worthless

holy shit just stop
ill fucking watch it already

Why does this keep getting spammed with TFWNOGF threads?

Organized shilling. They've pumped thousands of dollars into pushing it here.

But they're unrelated productions, aren't they?

im just annoyed by how TFW NO GFs director thought it appropriate to have 3 threads going on Yas Forums and two on Yas Forums simultaneously shilling her shit documentary and thought id use the threads to post something better. whole marketing appeal of her shit is that its a wojak movie but its not that so much as an extremely extended youtube video essay so might get shilled here less if every thread is promoting a wojak thing thats not hers

pretty sure she told me to stop breathing in one of her old threads

theres a kantbot twitter excerpt in decline terminal and the timing is suspicious but its probably safe to say they're not the same thing seeing as ones produced by amazon and the other has jeff bezos getting murdered by a mcdonalds drone

I'm tired of having a documentary made about Yas Forums every year. It's excessive and unwarranted. Same shit, different productions.
Just don't think your product will be any better than this femoid crap.

It's all controlled opposition anyways.

they're always cringe bc they come from twitterfags thinking they're kevin costner in dances with wolves and we're just these incomprehensible savages theyre attempting to translate when we've dictated a lot of pop culture for decades at this point. decline terminal's pretty funny and has some redpill shit in it but
is probably right, the timing is weird to me that both come out and start shilling against each other the same week, could be the same people seeing which way of doing wojak will be more profitable

crazy how they just allowed a woman to direct this shit lmao, can you imagine if a man directed a documentary following around women

The matter of fact is that femcels are real and a large enough community to do this shit on, but doing so would be met with intensive cyberstalking to the point of becoming a recluse due to how much collective power they have.

I would watch a femcel documentary

Yet it will never happen, femcels organize with way more institutionalized power and incels here are left with nothing to get behind.

Its too contradictory to be the same people imo. More than likely just a coincidence you maniacs.

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decline seems far more like meanspirited wojak content than the feels angle coming from TFW NO GF

So you admit they're right to shill against one another instead of calling out both of them for trying to sap money off of us, making us their guinea pigs?

are they going to address the inherent racial component of robots and how most of them are non-white (due to racism against non-white men) despite being stereotyped as white?

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Probably not. They must keep up with their narratives that they're all white.

Why would she have a gay flag if she's straight?

reminder that shy boys irl is true incel-kino

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the documentary seems more exploitative from a femoid looking for edgy attention, the other one is probably something some user spent too much time on

I love the scene where he says to the woman filming the documentary "I bet you like that jeff buckley song" and she's like "no I actually don't like it" and he stars hamming it up

>Be art hoe normie girl
>Think you're edgy enough
>Juul during interviews
>Making movie about Yas Forums
>Make twitter poster the king
>Find interviewees through twitter

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Wrong, Beebo lives on in our hearts

Maybe you're right, but both are still controlled opposition and we don't know who we would be giving our money to and what ulterior motives they may have. DIsney has succeeded on Yas Forums last year especially, now others are looking to them for inspiration, or they may be rogue operatives working on mouse payroll.

I wouldn't say most, but yea a fairly big section of robots is non-white. I watched an interview with her and she seems oblivious to this fact.

I fail to see what is so interesting about this subject. How do you make a documentary on a bunch of lonely virgins on an anonymous message board?

I haven't read anything on it outside of these threads but it seems like it'll be primarily focused on a bunch of twitter celebs who claim to be the leaders and icons of this supposed culture.

maybe to you

thats exactly what it will be

Except that's exactly what it is going to be. And they're all "ex-Yas Forums" people on Twitter that cry about it every day despite saying they've moved on.

I prefer logo, ajdhenry and loki if I'm being completely honest with you.