Yas Forums hated her for nearly a decade until she became fantasy Hitler

>Yas Forums hated her for nearly a decade until she became fantasy Hitler

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some men often hate what they most love

I still hate her and Emilia fags are fucking delusional

Tranny that hates her for some reason started a psyop since 2014
t. ranny

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>implying you need a psyop for such badly written character

This desu. Dany trannies are from Reddit and dumblr.

OP is talking about Emilia, i never even watched GoT lmao. She was loved here before the Red Wedding aka the reddit exodus

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>She was loved here
I'm sure I have no idea since I stayed the fuck away from the cancer general

Literally who.

Here, just from a quick grab from the archives
The blind hate against her started in ~late 2013-2014

The guy wasn't asking for back numbers you tragic fucking cunt.

Why are you even answering for him you dumb fucking nigger? Are you his wife? Schizo

Yes it was this scene that changed things.

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>character wants the death of white civilization
>pillages and rapes with brown refugees
She's a SJW wet dream, you cuck. She can't have kids, spent most of her time riding the cock wheel and uses her power to enforce her retarded rule over more reasonable men.

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You know, this doesn't work on the non-mentally ill.

Ending of got was so kino bros (except the final scene)

Who are you quoting and who are you talking about

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Shes not even badly written people are just too brainlet to understand her (and women in general). Martin overestimated his audience's intelligence lol.

Dany in the shows is even worse than Dany on the books and she's already awful in the books.

>character described as tall, blonde and willowy
>choose a brunette midget for the role

What were D&D smoking?

No depiction of a fictional character has ever caused this much seethe across all spectrums of the internet; fellow anons, plebbitors, tumblerinas, social network normies, etc.
The only reason I can think for 4Channel not liking her is because we couldn't think of something this brilliant. As trolls go, its inspired. Idiots named their kids after her, ffs!

>Shes not even badly written
The show version definitely is and IDGAF about the books


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Faggots have no idea how women and normal men work.

Upgrade from the books

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You can see Viserys reflected in her eyes here.


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>Yas Forums hated her until reddit and twitter starting complaining about her characterisation


Because D&D are against fantasy elements
>Game of Thrones Showrunners Toned Down Fantasy Elements to Appeal to 'Mothers' and 'NFL Players'


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The best part thing about S8 was all the purple haired freaks crying how this isn’t how the story is supposed to go. Yas Forums was always right. Dany was an insane bitch unfit to rule.

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I was a Danyfag from the fucking start, the show focused too much on her as the 'saviour queen' from s3 onward. in the books she is headstrong and impulsive but her internal narrative shows self-awareness - she realizes she actually has no idea wtf she is doing tries to make the best decision on the information available to her. The book does an excellent job of weaving threads of the Targaryen paranoia and so one to make you question if her blood is tainted or not. She fucks Daario but is still wary of betrayal, which is why she reacted so negatively to the truth about Jorah coming out. Anyway, the only good thing about GoT post S3 was Mad Queen Dany. I would burn Planetos to the ground for her.

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Emilia wanted to add more book elements to showDany but D&D denied her

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