Why do Americans like Spartacus so much?

Why do Americans like Spartacus so much?

Attached: Spartacus S01E01.webm (888x500, 2.98M)

because they're chads

gore and boobie

the slowmos and insane blood splatters in the first few episodes are kino af

Americans everybody.


why would the wooden part being pushed against his head like that cause the largest blood splash? this show sucks

Why is there a /film/ thread on Yas Forums? Who are these people?

Because he is in it

Attached: 5ffCGLvL_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28.69K)

What of him?

Good Solonius, Long may he be remembered. We may never see his like again.

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>I want it to look like 300, but I only have a fraction of the budget
>say no more boss
This looks like trash, how does anyone watch this

Way too many niggers in this show. Ancient rome was not diverse

It looks more expensive than 300 though, there lots of extras and even real makeup wounds.

And what of Bad Solonius?

My god that looks bad.

>Ancient rome was not diverse
In the arenas it was, though. You had people from Gaul to Persia and so on. The Romans went all the way down to Zanzibar (Tanzania). So why wouldn't they bring back Africans from the fucking slave markets on the island, which was so big the British invaded in the early 19th century just to dismantle it?

Only issue I had was the tranny in The Pit. Like, plastic surgery doesn't exist; how do they have tits and a dick?

It's mindless fun with engaging characters and great villains. Plus tits for the lads and dingus'es for the ladies. Some of the political intrigue is interesting too. It works well on a lot of levels. It's not Shakespeare, but not everything has to be. Sometimes you want to come home with a beer and a burrito and be entertained.

Are Romans white or is Spartacus the only white man

It was TV budget CG from 10 years ago. It looked fine for what it was.

Watch it yourself, we're not gonna fucking filter shit for you in case there is a darkie. The only darkie in it is a slave who trains the gladiators (as a regular character).

In the arena yeah, not in the streets and stands

>people didn't have slave helpers they took to the games to feed them and stuff
fuck sake man

the main black thats in it is one of the best characters and only improves the show through his presence
stop being a Yas Forumscel faggot

fun fact, that actor is also in an couple of episodes of Star Trek ENT.

>quick edit
>slow mo
Absolute garbage.

Wow... so badass...

Attached: Spartacus S01E03.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

this is so bad it's good


The pinnacle of sophisticated historical drama.

Attached: Spartacus S01E02.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

is this produced by Zack Snyder?

Because it's incredibly pozzed. Faggots making out everywhere