Why all the hate?
Just dont get it anons.
Why all the hate?
smug autism face
why all the hate? autists retards hate people who are like them
She's arrogant and bitchy. I don't like her entitlement complex. She can go fuck herself as far as I'm concerned.
>Why all the hate?
Incels have never been reasonable people.
I love Brie!
Its not for real user
she's a cunt and you're a shill
fuck off back to your Discord
>She's arrogant and bitchy. I don't like her entitlement complex.
What specifically do you mean?
It was woke casting, to remove "male gaze", everyone knows that.
>casting a straight, white woman is “woke casting”
Americans are all anti-white.
i almost miss being this fucking dumb
>ywn tap that
90 degree ass
180 user. A 90 degree would not be flat
>incel cant even do the most basic math
Reminder only smoothbrains hate Brie.
Yas Forums incels infect every other board, and they throw tantrums as often as they breath
>Yas Forums
bernie lost, now watch him lick senile Joe's saggy ballsack and compliment the sweaty taste
I was thinking from clit to top of ass but now that I think about it that was fairly retarded thinking on my part
The fact that a bunch of angry redditors were able to convince almost this entire board to hate an actress that was beloved here for years shows just how far Yas Forums has fallen
I've got nothing against Joseph. He was good in Looper.
>Reminder only smoothbrains hate Brie.
I hate her so much that I want to ravage her... for science.
the incels are the entire website drooling over women on every board. it's unbecoming of men.
case in point
seems like you forgot this an anonymous site. there's no karma for you to get here you dumb tranny (also try using a slipknot next time)
But why? If you actually looked more into her you'd realize she's super cute & comfy.
Why do you type like a shill?
this is a Yas Forums goblin
>But why? If you actually looked more into her you'd realize she's super cute & comfy.
That's true, too. My penis is so confused.
Ahem, Captain Marvel