Why do Americans always behave as if they are the main character in their own TV show or something?

Why do Americans always behave as if they are the main character in their own TV show or something?

Do you really watch so much TV over there that you think that is what real life is like?

Attached: USA.png (776x635, 74.59K)

Good observation, and yes, they do.

oi wots all this then eh
you lot respecting mooslems?

Confident and dignified, it's the American way, baby!


not only that. the worst thing to an American is feeling that you're simply a supporting character in someone else's TV show.

We're better than you. We're better than all of you.

Hasn't everyone got a protagonist complex? Regardless, the American "national character" has always been the rugged individualist/frontiersman/cowboy. Even if we've gotten progressively more sissified and effeminate we're still not as far down as other first world nations.

>beer and vaginas hahaha
what does any of this shit have to do with accents?

They spend most of their childhood either in class being told to shut up by their superiors and the rest of the time they are parked in front of a television because theyre parents are completely absent from their childs life, due to the American requirement of both parents working long hours to pay for their McMansion and 2 oversized SUVs or Pickup trucks. Sometimes even stooping so low as to pay a stranger to watch their children for them (This usually results in children being molested).

Also very common amongst americans is drugging their children to make them sit still and focus on their media consumption and minimizing physical activity. This often damages the young childs brain permanently creating a dull and simple minded adult who is reliant on expensive medication in order to not go into dangerous withdrawls and possibly death.

The result is people who talk like they are in a sitcom, and mostly make friendships around what kind of media they consume and start large theatric fights with anybody else who doesnt agree with them or challenges their simple minded lifestyle.

I actually kind of learned how to speak english well from a bunch of british shows I watched when I was a shy quiet kid, I probably sound like an absolute jackass to most people.

You know, I never stop and think about what people in other countries act like. Maybe I'm just a healthy person but it literally has no effect on me at all and I can't imagine why I would care.
You must be ugly or friendless to have enough time to think about gay shit like that

I think the better question to ask is why Britishers don't realize how stupid they sound.
Seriously, think about how retarded unironically using a term like "cheeky" is

calm down fatty

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>Brave american soldier on his way to help the economy and save israel from the evil muslims, no matter what cost

>There is no world outside the US

typical really

They don't use it unironically. Why don't you realise how stupid it sounds to use the Germanic-sounding "Britishers" when they're called "Britons" and usually just call themselves "Brits".

Hola, mi nombre es Pablo y onions un orgulloso estadounidense. Fui a Europa una vez y vi a un musulmán, así que todos ustedes son musulmanes.

Faster Than The Speed Of Love.

Guys I’m thinking maybe we shouldn’t put so much effort into hurting the feelings of the each other and fighting about our countries.

spics forgetting the soi filter word makes me heh everytime

oi you cunting trolloping 'ampton wick
you shut yer bloody north and south or I'll 'ave the old bill slip you a right quick 'ow's your father up the jacksie an' kick you for a ball and chalk down the apples and pears
you mug you

>the oatmeal
Fuck that reddit shit

Seethe cope and dilate

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>entire country makes poisonous wine
do europoors really

>Why do Americans always behave as if they are the main character in their own TV show or something?

Because we are. No one else in the entire world does something without it being a reaction to something an american does.

Peter was a cheeky one, always up to something.

Attached: 92CD4363-2C9E-4D97-8260-D6A75BB02BD4.jpg (196x258, 10.93K)

absolutely based man getting more exercise than half the retards ITT despite being morbidly obese


>be bong
>speak your mind
>get arrested

No accent is conveyed in that cartoon. It's just words.

American accents are cinematic.

When you hear them in real life it sounds like someone is taking the piss.