>I fucking HATE reddit with their upvote downvote system. They need opinions spoonfed to them!
>I don't like this post... "cringe." Oooo this is a good one..."based."
You idiots do realize that only posting cringe and based is the exact same fucking idea as an upvote and a downvote?
I fucking HATE reddit with their upvote downvote system. They need opinions spoonfed to them!
Cringe and bluepilled
i wanna fuck your gay lil ass dude
How did Valve fuck this up so badly?
>>I fucking HATE reddit with their upvote downvote system. They need opinions spoonfed to them!
>>I don't like this post... "cringe." Oooo this is a good one..."based."
>>You idiots do realize that only posting cringe and based is the exact same fucking idea as an upvote and a downvote?
There's a difference , reddit plebs don't agree with anyone else's opinion, where as Yas Forums you at least have a few people who can say they agree with you without coming across as a fucking homosexual tranny
im based, your cringe, simple as
>*checks notes*
as for me i'm cool with it and that's alright cause it's my thing
>>I fucking HATE reddit with their upvote downvote system. They need opinions spoonfed to them!
>>I don't like this post... "cringe." Oooo this is a good one..."based."
>You idiots do realize that only posting cringe and based is the exact same fucking idea as an upvote and a downvote?
No, it's not the "same exact thing"
If you have one less total downvotes than total upvotes than your post is literally fucking hidden. If you have the most le epic upvotes, your post is artificially boosted to top.
Yas Forums threads allow you to speak with no weighted system. Saying based or cringe is like an upvote/downvote with no actual power
every single person on this website is a scathing incel freak. godDAMN you people are sad sacks of shit, I got on here thinking it would be funny and enjoyable but its just absolutely pathetic, what a bunch of fucking losers the lot of you are
>No, it's not the "same exact thing"
>If you have one less total downvotes than total upvotes than your post is literally fucking hidden. If you have the most le epic upvotes, your post is artificially boosted to top.
>Yas Forums threads allow you to speak with no weighted system. Saying based or cringe is like an upvote/downvote with no actual power
The difference is that comments aren't bumped up or down
>You idiots do realize that only posting cringe and based is the exact same fucking idea as an upvote and a downvote?
Pretty sure posting
doesn't move your faggot posts to the bottom of the thread where no one will read them.
Downvotes shift your comment towards the bottom, though (whilst shifting the others up). If you get enough of them, it masks your comment entirely. Reddit's way of sorting through comments is just shite, unless it's for something very particular, like a certain vid that you're trying to find on a subreddit, or a particularly educated answer to a question somebody asked.
Dont't upvotes bump a reply to the top of the thread?
or paid for by giant news outlets, or censored if they are controversial
It's not actually the same, it functions differently. Im not saying Yas Forums is better, but we are a different form of faggotry, and I much prefer it.
>he actually goes to reddit so much that he knows shit like how the upvote system works
Retard fuck
>made a bot that randomly greentexts an entire post and attaches a soijack from a folder
>sometimes wonder if I'm encountering my bot in the wild or if it's just another angry user
What are you, a faggot?
jannies will actually have the gall to delete this thread
It's not the same idea at all retard, every post here appears in chronological order and you can't shuffle them around
You can shuffle retard. How long have you been using this website?
No you can't retard, everything is static
I've been here since the 80s
>OP doesn't understand irony
>or censored if they are controversial
hello janny department?