Earthrocker was 7 years ago. Feel old yet?

Earthrocker was 7 years ago. Feel old yet?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1307x891, 185.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mm cmon bam quit sunkin my dunk

bend my dick to my ass so I can fuck myself

this will never not make me laugh

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>Don Vito was convicted 13 years ago
and died 5 years ago
same fren

Attached: 5469514_o.jpg (357x500, 33.64K)

callin from springfeel

>my best friend Don Vito died of organ failure 5 years ago. He's dead and gone.

Explain this shitty meme

How can I become an "Earth rocker"?

All you need to know is, you don't need to be a musician to be an Earth rocker

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

You don't have to be a musician to be an Earth Rocker, but you need to be an Earth Rocker to understand this meme.


>tfw earth rocker

Attached: chad growing stronger.jpg (1080x1207, 97.89K)

You have to chit chat with fuckin nobodies at the bar

>She would have wound up with a black guy and probably went to jail
Is miscegenation illegal in Iceland?

RIP Brother



he looks incredible

What went wrong?

Attached: bamm.jpg (720x960, 147.85K)

Don Vito's death was so quiet. I didn't hear about it until at least a year later.

>tfw youll never be a hobo fren with bam
>doing pranks while riding the rails
>gettin drunk on listerine
>gang banging nickki

did he even get a sticky?

Attached: abacus.jpg (320x240, 14.05K)

cmon bam i got work in the morning
>he doesn't even need the viagra

>1990 was 40 years ago

Paybacks a bitch, motherfu-

he had a soul once

are you a musician

i dont have to be

Attached: comfy chad 4.png (783x960, 642.42K)

chit-chatting with fucking nobodies

To truly rock the earth, one does not necessarily need to be a musician.