What female character ‘awakened’ you when you were a kid?

What female character ‘awakened’ you when you were a kid?

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Monica in Asterix movie

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that cheek in the background is hypnotic

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Oh god yes

You must have grown up very confused

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My dad showed me Logan's Run as a kid

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painfully thicCCCC

Damn nigga. how young is you?

It was that scene where she kisses Mikey, in particular. Because I was closer to his age, it effectively looked like an adult woman kissing a boy my age to me, which made me feel weird.

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this crazy bitch right here

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I have 0 memories of that

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Oh, that reminds me. Season 1 Monica.

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I vividly remember the seduction scene causing my first orgasm before I even really knew what masturbation or jizz was.

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Anyone remember So Weird?

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Bet you came like a little cutie. Did it feel good, user?

made me realize i had a penis

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>cut her hair, people even hated her

Kickstarted my bondage fetish as well

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that one

either pic related or young Jennifer Connelly or

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I have fond memories of stealing my dad's playboys. This one was my favorite.

Aye. You don't remember your first nut?

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