Can someone give me a rundown on why everyone hates him?

can someone give me a rundown on why everyone hates him?

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He's a giant loser trying to suck other losers into his orbit so they can become giant losers too.

committed multiple mass shootings

I don't know why
I thought Yas Forums liked pedophiles.

He isn't funny

Fucked his own career opportunities by being a big baby; now forces fans to pay for low-quality content he once released for free (which wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't the ONLY content he was making).

I like Officer Maggot best

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he's ugly and he self promotes his unfunny shit on Yas Forums

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Guess all clowns stop being funny at some point. Sam just cant afford to realize his time is up because he needs the money. Maybe he could pull something really funny again, but it seems he is just too far gone as a person. Its just too depressing now but I dont wish him harm, its hard to find happiness for people like him

I don't hate him. As a fellow aspiring artists I don't agree with his rampant get-rich-quick plagiarism and I find his ignorant-to-comedy-history fanbase insufferable. Essentially he took advantage of children that didn't know shit about shit and were quick to idolize a pseudo iconoclast.

franke hassle is funny ngl

Officer Maggot is good, it's one of his better stand-up bits, too. I'm fucking sad that the full version of "My Fingers" (the Officer Maggot theme) has been entirely scrubbed from the internet cause the composer keeps getting deleted everywhere.

Seriously, Lostracco, on the VERY slim chance you browse Yas Forums; please fucking re-upload My Fingers somewhere.

He's "that kid" from middleschool but 35 years old


I think this sums it up the best. Sam Hyde is genuinely funny and MDE was really inventive; World Peace was brilliant. But the dude blew it big time and the shit he puts out now is just that - shit. Just a bunch of ramblings slathered with a shit ton of After Effects to give it the impression that it's something resembling passable content. He also seems like an incredibly manipulative person. I'm sure some of the accusations are overblown/made up but where there's smoke, there's fire and Sam seems pretty adept at burning bridges and turning people against him.

He's old, like his humor is autistic kid humor and you kind of gr9w 0ut of it, that being said he has had some knee slappers, hes just not that interesting to be an E-Celeb.

Million dollar extreme was good, everything else not so much.

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>forces fans to pay

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>made a name for himself by being an alpha version of people that are socially outcast
>in other words, he gives 0 fucks and his style of comedy directly mocks people's bullshit
>intertwines a lot of life advice in his videos which is genuinely positive and good for young men to hear
>turns out he followed none of his own life advice and drove away the original MDE cast
>is in his mid 30s and behaves like a delinquent bum instead of raising a family
>regularly jews his staff and doesn't pay them

What got people to dislike him is that he was a psuedo-father figure for them and then he revealed himself to be quite the opposite.

This. I have never watched something he has been a part of and laughed

there he is again. Real shizo hours

How was World Peace brilliant in any way. To me it was as drab as every other Adult Swim live action sketch show

9/11 mostly

>has opportunity to become famous with a show on tv while not being a pozzed leftwing shill
>throws it all away to go hang out with richard spencer, weev, david duke and other retards blacklisting himself in the process
>damages irreversibly his friendships, especially the one with charles

Old MDE making fun of college hipsters and braindead boomers was amazing. Nu-MDE where sam is trying to program the next generation of Dylan Roof is not as funny.

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hes a domestic terrorist

he's a sexual predator that hates women and lost his comedic touch years ago

what did he do to charls?

How is that schizo? The guys a known child predator.

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He refused to give him any money from the book sales and merch.

Also I think Charls tried to pitch a show to AS after WP was taken off the air and Sam thought of this as betrayal

Aside from single-handedly nuking MDE's TV show, he allegedly told people at adult swim to not work with him and basically nuked Charles's sketch-writing career even though some of the classic MDE sketches were from charles

What's with the amount of Sam Hyde threads lately

Seething chapotrannies who realize leftwing alternative comedy isnt very funny compared to what MDE produced

No one hates him hes just banned from most major social media since his comedy hurts peoples fee fees

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>Sam Hyde is genuinely funny and MDE was really inventive; World Peace was brilliant.

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Thanks for the (you) but I've never watched anime in my life, Sam