Who is ready to see Christianity get dunked on?
Who is ready to see Christianity get dunked on?
why do hot e thot goth girls like danny devito?
i don't get it
I hate Aubrey plaza
DeVito works in physical comedy because he's a creepy looking dwarf. Aubrey Plaza appeals to brownskin deadfaced fetishists but has all the acting ability of a wet turnip. Both of them are entirely wasted on voice acting.
Serious question,
Can someone tell me the fascination of trying to make Satan "cool," and "hip?" That show Lucifer had quite literally a women saying she was in love with him and didn't care it was Satan. Constantine makes it look like a cool guy in a white suit. Now this where its' going to be some edgy kid that will be mean in the beginning but will have a change of heart by the season finale.
may God have mercy on their souls
Christians are dumb but this is just pure kike propaganda
this show reeks of kikery, hard pass. sage
>Can someone tell me the fascination of trying to make Satan "cool," and "hip?"
Look up Sabbatai Zevi, Moloch, and Lucifer's role as a Prometheus figure in the occult.
Jews undermining Christianity and therefore Western civilization. Virtually every major push for anti-Christianism and/or atheism in the past thirty years was by a Jew.
How can they order him? He's a free man
so they're remaking Matilda?
>Serious question,
>Can someone tell me the fascination of trying to make Satan "cool," and "hip?"
Because the same people that scream "swastika flags or joking antisemitism = giving power to nazis" will say "dude it's just symbols" when you talk about celebrities using satanic/occult imagery
Christianity itself a tool of Jews. Christianity declines as countries and societies become more educated. The only places where it grows is uneducated third world shitholes. Why Yas Forums won't admit this is beyond me.
when did FX get this shitty? was it all over after justified ended?
>Christianity declines as countries and societies become more educated
No, countries were on inclines after adopting Christianity. After abandoning religion, they've all been circling the drain. Find any example where this isn't the case.
>Christianity itself a tool of Jews.
It is now, yes.
>Christianity declines as countries and societies become more educated.
These same "educated" countries are entirely ruled by Jews in education, banking, and the media you absolute fucking retard. Christianity declines because it has served its purpose in placing Jews into power and they then need to destroy it so there's no stable foundation for family or morality.
so i guess they'll make like 3 episodes then go on a break
is Dan Harmon going to fuck it again?
It's the postmodern writing, turning the good bad, the ugly good, subverting the expectations, inverting everything. Lucifer is the most important antagonistic character in the history no wonder he's super hot right now.
nah, it is because priests fucked our kids and sky santa is a stupid idea cooked up by monkey hunter gatherers.
piss on that shit and worship the nothing like the dog in neverending story.
>women are considered objects
>Jesus shows up
>says if no man is around to inherit the land when he dies that it should go to the women
Jesus started making people equal.
>it is because priests fucked our kids and sky santa is a stupid idea cooked up by monkey hunter gatherers
>inb4 satanic conspiracy
Literally the people I know that love this schlock the most are bible thumpers.
they like the charisma and edginess of his humour in it's always sunny but because he's a tiny old man they find him non-threatening, like they find homosexual men because they won't rape them
Christianity is not synonymous with western civilization. Western Civ incorporates Christian principles, ideals and some iconography, but true Christianity is as far beyond western civilization as a concept as people are beyond dogs
sounds like a JRPG
Religion is only necessary because most humans are dumb pack animals that do shit like pic related without the gnawing fear that hell awaits them forever if they do weird or bad things.
Ideally we wouldnt need it, but apparently we do
Aubrey plaza and a devil?
Reminds me of Golan the Insatiable.
I would only ever give a shit about this crap if it was Danny and Aubrey playing themselves raising the AntiChrist.
Dan Harmon and Adultswim are pedo satanists
>because priests fucked our kids
Bankers, celebrities, and politicians fuck them way more often. But in any case, you should have an issue with religious institutions and not with religion itself.
>and sky santa is a stupid idea cooked up by monkey hunter gatherers
Sky Santa is the hylic interpretation of God because you retards can't take anything as less than literal. It's the version of God sold to braindead cattle to keep them making good decisions. And you faggots latch onto it as if it's actually an argument against spirituality.
I'll watch if she shows her feet
God I'm so tired of Harmon and plaza. Devito is based.
He's an ugly goblin and everyone is overly ironic these days so they feign this obsession with him to look quirky
I liked Phil from Hercules
Because satan is "cool." He is suppose to be suave and charismatic and attractive. Thats the whole idea of falling under his spell. If he was was ugly brooding retard no one would make a deal with him in the first place.
This will fail if someone isn’t there to keep harmons woke shit at bay
Disney brought fox plus all the Louie ck shows went to shit after he left
>being this autistic
I think your god is a huge pussy to take worship from a faggot like you.
I'd say you two can go fuck eachother, but that will just leave you jerking yourself off same as always, cause that bitch you think gives you reason... yeah, that shit don't real.
The devil wants to tempt man, so he would want to appear to a mortal as beautiful and charismatic, not a hideous beast.
>dan harmon without justin roiland
might be pretty rad