How did this get through the Netflix filter onto the main screen?

How did this get through the Netflix filter onto the main screen?
Also you can’t deny this man was based

Attached: A5D99C5A-713D-4901-82D0-E6F065248C43.jpg (275x183, 5.61K)

literally who

David Koresh dumbass

This show is years old. Are you really all such normalfags that you don't watch anything until Netfix gets it?

It’s a show about the government trapping you inside

>fbi and atf are depicted as literal beasts wantonly murdering women and children for the lolz
>branch davidians are depicted as infallible saints
>david koresh is depicted as jesus and godsent saint
>timothy mcveigh is depicted as upstanding citizen who is basically forced to commit the oklahoma city bombing
Yeah, you know, I can get behind criticizing the government's role in the siege and all, but that's a little much

wtf why is there a white person on tv

supergirl is in it too, neck kino cooooooooom

it does show the government agencies as incompetent blood-thirsty and each agent as cowards as well who try to deflect the blame on others every time they fuck up, it's very accurate

any pits?

Do you still have cable user?

it's not on Netflix uk and I don't want to get a VPN to watch it and I can't find a decent torrent instead
I just want to watch this thing

I thought it was on Paramount's streaming service too?

I found it on a free streaming website, with french subtitles though : serie streaming . fun (without the spaces ofc)

that's literally what happened tho

Its pretty redpilled, but it fails to tell the viewers that Bill Clinton and Janet Reno certainly weren't tricked into ending the siege with a full on assault.

The powers that be would NEVER besmirch their legacy.

she hangs up laundry, forgot what she was wearing, it's been 2 years


Attached: B5720D20-20FD-4ED7-9DD6-1C4AA6E10A64.jpg (300x300, 15.21K)

I don't see how they made the cultist look better. They slowly revealed David's selfishness and ability to manipulate his followers into anything, mostly. He fucking convinced every guy who was married to become a cuck for fucksake. I think they portrayed them as humans. Good sometimes and stupid, reckless idiots other times. The Government was a little much though.

How are you going to feel after the FBI kills your children, burns down your house, and then poses to take pictures over the scorched remains of you and your family?

Attached: D4k9hP9WsAAhhvw.jpg (1199x970, 250.09K)

Just finished this today.

Holy fuck I hate the government now.

The ATF did an incredible job that day, vanquishing the evil David Koresh and the Branch Davidsons cult. America does not stand for this evil and like St. Michael the brave ATF agents vanquished it, to protect us all. God bless the ATF agents that day and God bless America.



Yes, Taylor Kitsch is pretty based

based retard
netflix shows get ripped the moment they are released. this was 2 years ago and the torrents are still resonably seeded

This but 100% unironically.

that's not david koresh

Koresh was a fucking crazy person, he wasn't based at all
but that doesn't mean the government was in the right to try to bait him into illegally selling them weapons and then firebombing their facility and murdering their children


Branch Davidians still exist, they have a compound in Israel to this day.

I finished Ozark yesterday and canceled after its top two suggestions on the splash screen were Unothpdox and #blackAF.

Netflix has Rectify. I started it the other day and am halfway through season 2. I really like it a lot
not a netflix original though so maybe that's why I like it

just torrent it next time

you forgot this sir

He should have thought to lawyer up from the get-go desu