What is your favorite LotR movie?

What is your favorite LotR movie?

Attached: the halfling was dear to thee I see.webm (720x900, 2.06M)

i thought that was a fucking dog. holy fuck blacks are disgusting

Two Towers Extended

is that Year of the Snitch

What is this lmao

>camera is inside a white girl pusy


I do not believe in, or support midget propaganda.

The first one.

Attached: THE AGE OF TODDLERS IS OVER.jpg (620x465, 59.26K)

Is that an ass pov of Macron ?

Attached: DoW9Dp5W0AAoHqO.jpg (253x213, 11.92K)

1 > 2 >> 3

I for one am quite excited for the Amazon reboot, OP.


The Bakshi version.

Attached: 1568980057478.jpg (640x480, 70.08K)


Never change, France.


Attached: lord of the rings cast.jpg (1280x853, 257.52K)

Is that blacked pussy eating from vagina point of view?


Based. Also am I an idiot if every time I see Rhys-Davies towering over the rest of the cast I giggle?

Death Grips is online?

an afro american

imagine the smell

Fellowship, although I have a soft spot for ROTK despite Hackson's shenanigans reaching their hights in that movie.

Attached: 1579450297528.gif (245x266, 1.25M)

Actually horrifying

Reminds me of .webm related

Attached: Dog's unique condition means she has a mouth in her EAR!-LdXzO3ShBlg.webm (890x1080, 2.99M)

Why do people reply in earnest to .webm threads? OP didn't want that. This is a shitposting board. Stop acting like a bunch of redditors.


This. plus, movie and series are for redditors and cucks.

Attached: 1587108632610.webm (931x576, 2.1M)

dogs are truly subhuman

Attached: 1587282367452.jpg (720x960, 67.67K)

This but unironically

>Why do people reply in earnest to .webm threads? OP didn't want that. This is a shitposting board. Stop acting like a bunch of redditors.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 9.07K)

Return of The King. the moment when Sam carries frodo up the mountain Is certified 100% grade A KINO