Why is horror over saturated with so many bad movies? What is it about horror that makes every guy with a camera and disposable income think they have what it takes to make the next Exorcist?
Why is horror over saturated with so many bad movies...
because it's a genre that's very difficult to define.
And the definition of it has evolved over time.
Clearly, the pic in your op means you think of horror in movies as THAT specifical thing.
Everybody thinks they know how to scare people
The success of the Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity
Horror is really cheap to come up with and make
And everyone bitches when it doesn't scare in them in the way they specifically want.
Because people think horror movies think they have to be scary and jump scares are easy.
But horror movies don't have to be "scary". What scares a person is subjective, but what makes a movie part of the horror genre is not - horror is about atmosphere, themes, visuals and stories that explore the darker parts of the human condition, fear is just one possible reaction our brains might have to this, which is why movies that rely too much on jumpscares to be "scary" are obnoxious and miss the point.
The fact that I'm an autist who doesn't get scared by movies doesn't mean that all horror movies are shit, or that horror as a genre doesn't exist. Nor does it stop me from enjoying horror movies.
Regardless of whether you find The Exorcist scary or not, it's still a very dark story about the desintegration of family, of finding out that a loved family member is no longer herself and being unable to help her, the fear of mental illness and losing one's mind, the conflict between science and religion, and an ancient evil from mysterious times that our modern minds cannot explain, forcing us to turn back to old rituals like the exorcism - it's no wonder that Father Karras is also a psychiatrist, much like Dr. Van Helsing was a man of science as well as of religion. THAT is what makes it a horror movie.
And no I'm not overweight, technically I'm obese.
It's cheap, and filmmakers use it as a way to get in to the spotlight because if you make an above average horror film, normies notice you. Jordan Peele made Us, James Wan made Saw, Robert Eggers with the Witch, Ari Aster with Hereditary. It's the "please take me seriously" genre but the contest is so fucking poor that a 6/10 like Get Out can be considered a masterpiece to a normalfag and their favourite movie.
horror has been the easiest genre to pull off on a low budget, so its the one most people try in order to get in on. The key component is that you don't need very much light to do it, just one light can cast the right amount and keep the rest in shadow.
Why is it a 6/10 though? What if people simply rate it higher because it actually had an emotional impact on them? This is why numerical ratings are so stupid. It seeking to define objectivity in art which is ridiculous. If something is poorly lit or shot that can be an objective complaint. But even then the low budget quality could add charm to some people.
I’m still mad there was no moving deer head
It's literally entry level film making. That's why so many start with horror movies.
What's a horror movie premise you guys would like to see that hasn't been done or has been done poorly?
0/10 bait thread.
Horror is the most artistic of all the genres.
You'll either hate it or love it.
Go back to your superhero movies.
Don’t act like shit like Chucky or Freddy aren’t basically the same
Oh yeah you're so patrician for enjoying horror movies bitch tits. Shut your fat ass up.
I've seen the happy merchant version of this picture so many times, the original looks weird now.
>Oh yeah you're so patrician for enjoying horror movies bitch tits. Shut your fat ass up.
>call someone fat for having opinion you disagree with
Well while we are making up things how did those ten dicks in your mouth taste last night faggot?
This thread is so fucking dumbed down a nigger could pass it if there was a test on its content.
You cherry pick the slasher sub-genre which is simplistic in its story and the art comes from finding weird ways in which to kill people.
You're just fucking wrong on every level.
You're seriously going to talk down about horror movies when literally all of the highest selling movies of the last ten years were all capeshit?
Literally the exact same fucking story with a different faggot wearing a different dumb outfit doing unrealistic shit that doesn't even look cool.
Your guys cope is surreal sometimes.
You wanna talk about realism? They made 8 fucking Leprechaun movies
You didn't deny you were fat. Go faster into diabetes and lose your life sooner you worthless sack of shit.
Nerds who dream of making movies like horror, sci-fi, and fantasy but making convincing sci-fi and fantasy cost money. In comparison, a horror film can be done incredibly cheap and still be a great film. That makes every chucklefuck who wants to make movies but who doesn't have a budget start with horror leading to a glut of bad movies.
Why do you do this?
More movies should have moving deer heads
>You wanna talk about realism? They made 8 fucking Leprechaun movies
Have you unironically only watched like five horror movies?
You realize there are hundreds right? Literally hundreds of horror movies going back to the 1940s.
Educate yourself before posting on a subject.
You didn't deny you suck dicks either. Which is made apparent by how much of a crybaby faggot you are.
Hereditary was kino
I've been using that term basically my entire adult life and I've never been on reddit, I didn't know it was a popular term there.
A low budget horror movie that has a guy wake up in a locked room. It has everything he needs to live comfortably, and there is even a skylight. There is also a lady with a sweet voice who talks to him through the locked door and brings him his meals at certain times. The only bad thing is this constant buzzing noise that pervades the air. Eventually, the guy discovers that the apartment he is in is actually a giant hive for insectoid beings that pretend to be human, lady included.
Why would the bees be keeping the guy there? Also does he get any of that bee puss?
The irony is that that person only knows because they actually are on reddit
>I've been using that term my entire adult life
that's embarrassing
>reading this much into it and not realizing that I am simply calling him a cringelord faggot because chucklefuck is a stupid childish phrase like asshat or douchenozzle and if you talk like that you're obviously an insufferable retard to speak with
mm that's nice redditor damage control
They aren't necessarily bees. There are hanging flies, mantids, cockroaches, centipedes, Amblypygi, etc. Just all sorts of creepy crawlies.
And yes