Durrr cool lightsaber

>durrr cool lightsaber

What was Lucas thinking with this character?

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Literally the only good character in star wars

literally better than every new character added in the sequal trilogy and he's just a bad guy

he needed double lightsaber because he was going to fight two people at the same time

>I’m making kino

what a ripoff

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Lucas knows how to make cool characters that make good action figures unlike Nu Wars

>redditors on r/tv/ actually think a kids cartoon is “kino”

So he is supposed to be an alien, but he is obviously just a human dude with a painted face.

>Great design
>Great name
>Set up to be the Vader of the prequels

Lucas was a hack.

What was Lucas thinking with her?

>right I need a villain for the 2nd PT movie, what ideas we got?
>well ive got a droid general and-
>nah nah I need them to be a sith
>alright well heres a few concepts for one
>eh i only like this one of the bald chick, looks kinda samurai-ish
>alright, any names you got lucas?
>nah, have you?
>well ive got "Juno Eclipse"
>eh not villainy enough, scrap the idea, ill just call up christopher lee and ask if he wants to be in it
*AoTC Releases *
>alright we need an apprentice for Dooku for this animated series by Gennedy Tarkovsky, what we got?
>well what about this AoTC villain concept?
>YES! I loved that, needs a better name though
>any ideas lucas?
>Well I just saw this japanese thing with a character called Asaji, what about Asajj?
>brilliant, and a surname?
>ah fuck uhhhh...something villainy....Ventress?
>sounds pretty cool lucas, we'll draw up some art

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Cool design, but Lucas made no attempt to flesh him out as a character. He was a one dimensional warrior.

Absolutely based

t. seething mouse cuck

>was Lucas thinking

>Being upset that a character was wasted means you're a Disney fanboy

Shouldn't have skipped school, retard.

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You literally answered your own question before asking it


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The disney reboot makes it look like a masterpiece in comparison.

Yup, Star Wars is no different than your average Saturday morning cartoons except its (mostly) live action.

and that's a good thing

He's a garbage character. Or more like non character. He says like two sentences in the entire movie.

But his fight was cool so dumb kids loved him.

>He says like two sentences in the entire movie
Exactly why he's based. I don't need to see his entire back story and how he came from a broken family, was dumped by Veronica and fired from his job.

>What was Lucas thinking with this character?

durrr cool lightsaber

I thought he was a demon as a kid, still rooted for him.

>What was Lucas thinking with this character?
It can't be explained to a layman.

>He's a garbage character
no, he's a phantom menace. His character is not important.

Please tell us what you would have done I'm sure it's really interesting

In what way was he set up to be the Vader of the Prequel Trilogy when he dies the first movie he's in. Stop being retarded.

Palpatine was the phantom menace, user...


I don't know why people rag on his lack of character. Or well, no, I sort of do. It's a counterpoint against the "BUT AT LEAST THE FIGHT WAS COOL" thing I guess, because people think you can't relate to any of the participants.

But to me, it's not that deep. Darth Maul wants to stop Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's mission/kill them. He's just some fucking assassin, a bad guy; he doesn't have to be more than that, and you can feel the tension in the fight by virtue of the fact he wants to impede our Protagonists.

he's only the big phantom menace