>All the Willoughby children ever wanted was to have a NORMAL family
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck niggers fuck jews fuck jannies
kill them all
wtf bros I thought this was based?
>the writers aren’t Jewish
>the producers aren’t Jewish
>the director isn’t Jewish
>the people who own Netflix aren’t Jewish
>Yas Forums incels still blame le Jooz that they got triggered
you are creatures
>Current year
>Expectng anything less
Why don't the kids look mixed?
Stonetoss isn't funny.
those are the siblings i think
probably implying it's a second marriage or adoption
incels used to say it was only bad when it was white female, but then more white male black female couples started showing up so Yas Forums had to change their agenda to make sure there were scoring as many victim points as possible. So now WMBF is also wyte Jennacide
this is why neonotsees started shilling everywhere that “Soros bought Netflix.” Damage control
I'm not laughing.
>the people who own Netflix aren’t Jewish
isn't one of the founders literally Sigmund Freud's great nephew?
that’s how genes work. A kid with a white parent and a black parent have a chance of coming out looking entirely white or entirely black.
yes because a congoid gives birth to white people, impotent nobody
yep. noticed that in the trailer
is the movie any good?
But WM/BF is based. Only BM/WF is cringe.
>left Netflix in 2002
I wouldn’t be surprised if incels started using time travel as a fallback method of blaming Dey jouz kek
he still founded the company.
This has to be bait, this is some serious schzoid seethe.
I don't know, I'm not gonna watch it. I assume it's shit though.
either way, race mixing will eliminate black genes thousands of years before white genes in America. no matter how hard you try, you aren’t a victim. And whites are literally the last race in america they can say race mixing is making them disappear. It is happening to EVERYONE much worse than whites.
WM/BF doesn't exist. BM/WF is everywhere because white women love black men.
>>>>>the people who own Netflix aren’t Jewish
>he still founded the company
Yeah and bananas are yellow. What’s your point? ...are you going to try using time travel to blame Jews? It’s amazing how it’s impossible to make a joke that makes Yas Forums seem dumber than they actually are. You aren’t even subhuman, you’re something beneath that.
unironically the opposite is true
The guys who founded Israel aren't around anymore, does that mean it's no longer Israeli?
looks very stylish, and the cast is kinda decent
think i'm gonna watch it
are you schizophrenic? serious question.
We takin dem kweez lil black bois!
>when Yas Forumscels resort to asking stupid loaded questions so they don’t have to commit to the unfathomable stupidity of what they’re trying to claim
I actually recognize this behavior kek
Sure thing, chang. Does your grain of rice even get hard anymore when you're posting blacked 24/7?
what’s schizophrenic about laughing at the far right shills on this board? you are too stupid for any English words to describe and then some. No wonder you’ll never have a friend, let alone have sex.
it's not a loaded question it's a rhetorical question retard.
>you aren’t a victim
Agreed, no one is a societal victim period no race or gender is being oppressed.
I thought you were my friend :(
something tells me you wouldn’t apply this “logic” in the case that a company has white founders who left, and current Jewish management.
desu the brown mom and kid look like pajeets to me
>t. Friendless virgin
it absolutely is loaded. Instead of outright saying what you mean:
>I’m so brainwashed that I’m gonna blame Netflix on jooz because one of the executives was Jewish 20 years ago
you’re feebly stating pathetic questions in the hopes that I won’t realize the hilarious stupidity of what you’re actually suggesting. This is what happens when you’re used to discussing shit on Yas Forums where LITERALLY every person there is retarded. Your perspective on what counts as a good argument is comically warped.
>show is based on the book of Lois Lowry, Jew
>directed by Rob Lodermeier, Jew
>starring Maya Rudolph, Jew
>produced by Jewish studio ran by Jewish brother and sister duo
>released by Jewish owned Netflix
(((pure coincidence)))
so you don't think a single person involved in netflix is jewish?
>wyte Jennacide
>Dey jouz
You are nowhere NEAR as smart and witty as you think. I bet you're one of those dumbasses who think calling free speech "freeze peach" is the ultimate own. You stick out like a sore thumb, nobody here talks like that, reddit.
There can a show with 15 white people kicking the shit out of 1 black, 1 jew and a latino for 30mins and Yas Forums would still bitch.
They're the same retards that thought drumpf was an epic own. Why they talk like kindergarteners is beyond me.
it's not different from that twitter alternate capitalizing shit.
>Why they talk like kindergarteners is beyond me.
Because this infantile shit is all you have left when you have to constantly be careful you don't say something problematic.
I don’t think there’s a person anyone that even flinch at Yas Forums posters being tortured. the frequency of your lying alone reduces you to something less than a virus.
If a Jew made the best whore bots ever and would pay YOU $100,000 per sexual session with no strings attached, would call it a Jewish Trick?
Please proofread your posts you ESL retard.
presumably it’s a mockery of what you sound since you’re mindless NPCs who think about Jews all day. I’m guessing when you aren’t slandering jooz you’re thinking of new ways to do it. Yas Forumscels are like a more pathetic version of drug addicts.
stop posting from your phone ESL
>can’t make a single post without lying
>chimps out at auto correct failing
Nice priorities