Rich people bad

>Rich people bad

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Did you actually watch the movie? It's how they got rich that makes them bad. Retard.

Samara is so fucking cute in this



These people got freakishly rich from selling one thing and never had to work for it like the family in knives out. They are not relatable rich unlike parasite who was a working chad but was still portrayed as bad in the film because it was an awful film.

Unless it's the poor people who become rich, in which case rich people are good again.

Then the cycle continues.

Is this movie actually good?

... Yes?


Yes but it probably should have ended 30 seconds earlier

>rich people bad
>value the opinion of overpaid entertainers

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samara > margot

She was even cuter in Mayhem.

Definitely. Why does Margot look twenty years older?

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>undeniable truths hidden behind a veil of sarcasm

>portrayed as bad in the film
He was portrayed as an honest, stand up guy if a bit naive. All of the poors were genuinely horrible people.


Rich people are not just bad, they are by definition satanists. Epstein, Wexner, Bill Gates and so on and so on.

they literally made a deal with the devil that involved serial ritual sacrifice to keep their fortunes going


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>noooooo you can't have a movie that isn't glorifying the rich it might make people think Trump is bad

>rich people good
>just keep exchanging your precious time and health for useless toilet paper that we said is the most important thing in your life that keeps you consuming mutt goyim

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>wahhhh my life is bad because rich people exist
Yeah I'm sure you'd be a successful laborer after we kill the rich and not a useless slob, chapotrannies

I'm finding this recent trend of rich people telling us to hate the rich rather weird.

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funny thing is there's a lot of money to be made in safely but ultimately impotently stoking class resentment

>just work hard bro
>just be born in the first world™ bro
>just don't let those lucky ones who hasn't worked a single day in their life trample your dream bro
>just be financially responsible bro
>just acquire high demand skills bro

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Literally all of that is better advice than "just cry about rich people your entire life and accomplish nothing bro"

>just be white, asian or jewish bro
saved you a lot of typing

>just acquire high demand skills bro
Yes. I regret to inform you that succeeding in life usually takes effort (inb4 muh inheritance)

Hell no, it’s bloody but not gory and the humor is marvel-tier
You’re Next is essentially the same exact film but executed 100x better.

>succeeding in life usually takes effort

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question. do you think your life will turn out better if you spend your days complaining or working towards wealth?

was the protag selfish for not allowing herself to be sacrificed to the curse and thereby having a whole family and bloodline die?

most people in the world are born in some form of poverty, for these people succeeding takes effort. How rich kids get successful is irrelevant to normal people like me and I assume, you


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not more selfish than the groom for refusing to tell her that his family is a cult and she has a 5% chance of being sacrificed on her wedding night

Usually. There are exceptions of course but if you have internet access you have access to boundless information and skills you can learn. You'd rather just sit on Yas Forums all day though, which I get. Just don't be surprised when money doesn't randomly fall on your lap


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>standing in grass barefoot

To be honest I gotta give them props. I wouldn't trust it.

It's okay. Should've been MUCH more brutal. Main character gets so much shit throughout the film and you wait for her to get revenge and just go berserk on them, but she only kills one person who barely had screentime and it's not even shown in detail. There's no time to savour the ending kills either. I didn't care for You're Next, which is a very similar movie, but that one had some solid deaths.

>Just don't be surprised when money doesn't randomly fall on your lap
this, now excuse me while i go cash my trumpcheck