Imagine going for a whole month without sex, is that even possible?

Imagine going for a whole month without sex, is that even possible?

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>not a single white person
What did Netflix mean by this?

They wanted to make a show for your demographic

Wait, if some of them fucked, that means they paid 100k for sex.

What a bunch of losers.

Why do whites hate each other so much?

are you blind?

i can see at least 4. whats your problem?

I've done 2 years and don't even care anymore. Not worth the effort.

I watched this whole show and it was so trashy but by the end all the characters grew on me and now I follow them on insta

tfw 28 year old khhv who hasnt had friends in 16 years

>The premise of the show is to teach young, single people to create genuine connections instead of their usual flings. If contestants engage in any sexual contact on the island, then the prize money would decrease, starting at $100,000.

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imagine being a worthless piece of human lowest shit like me and being a virgin at 40, can you even imagine that ? no way your brain can't but it is my daily miserable crap dog shit life

Whites are the biggest demographic. There are also Blacks and Hispanics.
>No Chinks
>No Indians
>No Arabs
Zero Asians. It's discrimination.

Are you retarded? Yas Forums bait dimwits should be instabanned, I swear

so the two black guys have to share the one black girl?

Also no Aryans so no actual white people.

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Then change, you moron. All I see on Yas Forums is endless whining, bitching, and moaning. How about people here actually improve their lives, go out there and actually start not being lazy? It's not exactly hard to cultivate social contacts

One of the blacks ends up pairing off with the black girl and the black guy literally gets cucked by the white guy.

Are they sitting with their pairs? Cause that sounds pretty hot.
Also, the point of this site is that is a dating show where they can't kiss. You don't win by not sexing, you have to find love to win.

>Two black men
>One black woman
Legitimately, what did they mean by this

>It's not exactly hard to cultivate social contacts
how do you talk to complete strangers? i haven't had a conversation in years

SeeOne of the blacks gets cucked hard by the Aussie white guy and then is bitter about it the rest of the season

saw an ad for this and 2 girls were kissing is there anymore than just 1 lesbo scenario?

>no asians or trannys

So you basically just hang around at home? Get a job, ffs. There is zero way you can have a job in which you never have any conversations whatsoever

Start by not looking like a rapist, not smelling like a bum and saying hello

Nah just one and it's pretty stupid too

eh into the trash it goes

Do people here actually know what the word cucking means or are people just using it as a synonym for pinching at this point? It's the same with the word "literally". Learn some english for once

You'd have to watch the first episode to understand how the show works and the prize money. But they do it to spite everyone knowing it will make the prize money go down

im balding and still get acne in my mid 20s, that isn't possible. how do conversations progress after a "hello"?
i dont really go outside at all

if i was there i'd start making moves on the black girl ngl

imagine if at the final episode they just rounded them all up and executed them via firing squad

>i dont really go outside at all
then don't complain. it's your life so it's your choice whether you stay an undesirable or not

>be white guy
>get hottest girl in show but they have a fight and she ditches him
>she starts to get close to big black man
>white guy and hot chick decide they want to try again
>white man steal hot chick away from black man
It's cucking in the Yas Forums sense of the word

Ngl, by the end you kinda feel for them and grow to really like them

read my posts, i'm not complaining. I made a statement and asked a question

Put in me in coach, I'm disgusted by all these people and won't remotely be tempted.

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Go to clubs, look fresh and go to the bar, strike up conversations with girls who are also waiting at the bar, literally just say what's up or how you doing and let your lowkey drunk talk commence, after you get your drinks you ask if she wants to dance with you. Works well for me.