Prequelchads assemble
Prequelchads assemble
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The PT at least told a story. I have no idea what the story of the STORY was supposed to be.
the jar jar binks push pop.
star wars has been a gay franchise from the very start
yes and?
I’m fucking crying.
Let’s face facts. For all its slickly-produced glitz, the ST never gave us a thing to compare with Tambor Wat and the Techo-Union Army.
George Lucas literally enriched my childhood with the prequels
The prequels are poorly written and directed but contain a million great little additions to Star Wars.
The sequels are poorly written and directed and contain nothing except for retreads of existing Star Wars stuff and contempt.
This. Literally go back and listen to every single bit of Obi-Wan’s dialogue. He built my political beliefs/made them the way they are today, and I’m thankful for it. Sounds stupid, but listen to the shit he says, it’s all true.
And I’ve never heard anyone talk about this; when Anakin goes to the bubble room to talk to Palpatine, they’re at the house of the senate. But when Anakin enters you don’t know where you are, it’s red velvet and people doing coke and hookers and fucking debauchery and heathens then he goes through a door and on the other side is Palpatine’s senate box, giving us a glimpse at what’s going on behind closed doors in the government/ big business. That was underrated fucking kino, it was like an eyes wide shut party behind the scenes, holy shit.
I argue they’re well-written. It has its fair share of awkwardly delivered lines or bad dialogue, but just as much if not more kino and genuinely great stuff. PT is good. Everyone is just mad that they know I’m right and they can’t change their minds because it’ll short circuit their brain and fragile ego. PTchads unite.
Prequels can only be appreciated with a minimum IQ of 100 and children. George created the perfect combination.
It’s the inverse bell curve with intelligence on the x axis and enjoyment on the y
Prequelchad here.
I love all of the Star Wars films except for the Holiday Special (if that even counts as a film).
I still like the Disney movies, though.
Also, Original Trilogy is still the best but ROTS and TLJ are close.
You should kill yourself.
>this is your average prequelbabby
Prequels > Sequels
The worlds
Philosophical ideas + having a story structure
Dialogue is Woden and corny as fuck but the “formal” speech reminds you that this was a “civilized age” before the Wild West of the originals
Stopped watching the Disney ones after the second one
Exception would be rogue one that one reminds you that it it’s an actual fucking war that especially sucks if you’re not even a Jedi
Anyone like attack of the clones the most out of the prequels? The intro bit was pure kino.
I swear, pretending to like the prequels is the best troll Yas Forums has ever come up with.
It works every time. Some people actually believe prequel love is a thing now.
Nah, they're actually not. Palpatine trying to execute some master plan which is really obvious to see to anyone but not being detected isn't cool writing.
It's terrible worldbuilding. Apparently in Star Wars, you can secretly build an army big enough to take on the entire universe.
Characters leak important information for no reason other than to give the plot some 'intrigue' but is actually retarded on inspection. Like Jango dropping the name "Sifo Dyas" (let me remind you this name exists because it was a typo, it meant to say Sido Dyas [Sidious] but Lucas kept it). Or dropping the name Tyranus. Dropping Tyranus does nothing but increase the risk of exposing the plan. Obi-Wan is also somehow too fucking retarded to realize how strange it is that Jango Fett both is involved in the creation of the clone army and the droid army.
Also there is 0 of philosophical interest. Anyone who thinks the dumbass plot of these films has a broader political message is a manchild who has never actually read about the rise of dictators.
it's unironic and passionate which is something retarded cynical gen x:ers like yourself can never understand
the prequels, as much as they were money grabs were still relatively good movies that I loved as a child made with some enthusiasm and sincerity. The sequels are uncreative corporate schlock set to appease classic, low test fans who wish to revisit their childhood after adult failings and the general population who are now even more mindless than they used to be. I cannot see any love, or life, or joy within anyone who thinks the sequels are good, anyone who is honest with themselves cannot say the sequels are close to being good movies.
They have a pleasant amount of philosophy for films that also include a broken English speaking fishman
Both were bad. who cares which pile of shit is better
the prequels are better than the originals
imagine unironically legitimately caring about starshit
Would you like them if they came out today instead of 20 years ago?
>I still like the Disney movies
Go and kill yourself fake fan
No because Obi Wan would be black and Anakin female.