Movies about approaching women?

Movies about approaching women?

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Buffalo '66, trust me.

Works every time.

Attached: 1582480065464.webm (900x486, 2.81M)

Attached: irreversible.jpg (700x468, 43.18K)

damn, it's that easy?

Attached: 1584475038987.png (783x503, 26.6K)

>approaching women

I pitty guys who grew up with inadequate simp boomer parents stuck in the 70s or absent fathers. You dont approach women.

What do you do?

Approach men

except you do, just not uninterested girls on the street
a girl that wants to be approached will shoot off plenty of signs and if you want to larp about girls "approaching you" you just out yourself as a dickless gay who needs to be told what to do by girls

Are u the same user before that was constantly asking the thread how to chat up women?

poopie rapie!

This is my biggest fear

they approach you, you fucking incel. have sex, sweetie.

send them money on twitch

Don't dress like a whore

never gonna happen tranny

don't listen to this guy
whore it up girl maybe even post some tits

top kek

>Dad never even mentioned women once growing up
>Mom just said it would work out
>Had a permanently single uncle who would cry about women whenever he got drunk, which was often
>buddies from school had relationships basically fall into their laps through circumstance
>still don't know how to approach women anywhere, and end up stumbling around if I do

Attached: IMG_6027-560x338.jpg (600x362, 25.02K)


>>Dad never even mentioned women once growing up
>>Mom just said it would work out
is that not normal?
are they supposed to give you tips?

when my dad found out I watched anime porn he told me to cut that shit out because its not healthy

Sometimes you have to be forceful user

no idea, but i do think it would be more common to have an older sibling or friend. my problem is i am so autistic that i never once picked up on my friends or brother flirting with women. to me, it was as if one day they magically turned our female friends and acquaintances into girlfriends.

I literally caught my dad watching Wicked City once.

My dad has almost never spoken about women at all, until just recently when he dropped a story about being abandoned by a school-assigned date at his prom. I thought I was just having a run of bad luck, but the truth is the game was rigged from the start.

Attached: benny.jpg (782x767, 99.8K)

Just look them in the eye and give them a firm handshake.

Attached: 1576480227718.webm (532x498, 813.61K)

Your dad giving you the 'chat' about women is a complete meme made up by movies.

You fucking learn by just talking to women and making yourself look as attractive and confident as possible. You can even get practice by mic chatting with girls online.

based Dad

>buddies from school had relationships basically fall into their laps through circumstance

That's really the best way to meet women. Pursue social activities you enjoy and you meet people. Even if you like activities that don't attract a lot of women, you can make friends and meet other people through new friend groups. Approaching people is mostly just good for hooking up if you're already attractive.

Look like chad

I drive...

people keep saying this shit but what the fuck are "activities"????
what are you talking about

my dad gave me the incel speech all the time growing up about how women dont want a sensitive guy and dont believe the stuff in movies and write them a love letter or anything like that because she will just laugh at you in front of her friends. my dad sees himself as clint eastwood of snake plisken and he has their portraits hung up everywhere. he slams gash though and had some pretty hot girlfriends

fuck same thing with me. except my uncle lived with his parents till his 60s

a hobby that involves other people

Attached: 1587539272038.jpg (1185x395, 151.27K)

like what?
give a specific fucking example

how do you get one of these if you have no friends and have no interests besides browsing the Yas Forums and youtube?

Meetups for literally anything. Just search for groups in your city.

They have them for hiking, cleaning up trails, talking about books, going out to bars, bowling, literally anything.

its just a hypothetical fantasy he creates in his mind so he has the comfort of the narrative that incels are deserving of their own ineptitude. people say that shit all the time and sure it does hypothetically make sense but the people its going to work for are already going to do that anyway

>They have them for hiking, cleaning up trails, talking about books, going out to bars, bowling, literally anything.
No, they don't.

Just try shit out. You're gonna suck at it at first but maybe you won't after a bit.

aka gay shit

>how do you get one of these
You don't, they don't exist
He's just repeating general vague advice he perceives as good, nothing to do with reality
There is not chess club or whatever, those only exist in cartoons

How do you even start having a conversation with someone though? How do you end up in a scenario where that's a thing that happens? How do you know you're not bothering people?

Go outside

Have you tried using a search engine?

>rapeful in his ways
this shit makes me laugh to the point of being short of breath and in pain

glad memes still can do this

wtf lol

Okay, i'm outside. I'm looking down the street and I don't see anybody. There's a few cars. What next?

Oh damn. I guess just avoid people then and hope a woman breaks into your house one day to marry you.

You are making this stuff up, you are not in any of these fantasy clubs yourself and I think you should stop lying to people online

Why would I want to get married?
Scratch that, why would any sane man want to get married? Might as well just give away half of everything you own right now.

Damn, you caught me! I just hang out with my friends. Wow I can't believe you saw through my clever ruse! You're right there are no social organizations for adults. Not a single one.

unfathomably based

Why not? It's fun and sometimes you get laid when you don't even expect it.

Be yourself

that sounds like a good idea but, i also don't know how to talk to people.
like say I hypothetically go to a surf club thing, what do i talk about? i dont listen to the music most people listen to, i don't watch tv and movies, i dont watch sports, etc

stop deleting my posts

>there are no social organizations for adults
*single adults
couples have a network
people don't go hiking in the "hiking club" (lmao) it's couples with another couple they are friends with

you unironically have to stop thinking about this and just hope you aren't coming off like some weirdo. it's inevitable that some people will think you are a creep, especially if you are super autistic and aren't a good conversationalist and miss social cues. eventually though you will get a feel for when someone is obviously not interested in talking to you. just end the conversation and move on. fir conversation topics you can talk about literally anything but generally it helps if you don't talk about yourself too much, normal people liked to be asked questions about themselves. now, turning conversations into something more? fuck if i know lmao.

>How do you know you're not bothering people?

You don't, and you don't care. All those guys that get laid a lot have creeped out thousands and thousands of women and they just don't give a shit. And if you're really really bothering them they'll politely excuse themselves. And if they flip out at you congrats, you found someone with bigger issues than you. Feel free to laugh at them and feel good about yourself not being as fucked up as them.

The biggest self improvement thing you can do is raise your tolerance at being able to bother people/women and not get phased by it.

just jumping in to say youre never going to make any progress by just shutting down suggestions aggressively

turn 360 degrees and walk away

holy shit how young are the posters in this thread?
it's like talking to preteens

You'll typically talk to people at clubs about common interests so if it's a surfing club you can talk about surfing. If you don't know much about it, you can learn about it from the people there. Maybe you'll only find one other person with other common interests, but they might become your friend and know other people into that stuff. Just be okay with things not turning out okay. It's awkward for a lot of people at first but it gets easier with time. Go easy on yourself and just keep trying.


>Movies about approaching women?

Attached: Picking up girls at the beach.webm (720x480, 2.13M)


You see a girl you are attracted to, she's walking towards you on the street (shopping area, not too many people)
What do you do?

Truth of the matter: you don't do shit
Talk to someone who actually has a gf (nobody here), ask how they met
Pro tip: "friend introduced us" is the answer every single fucking time, with the exception of online dating
