Cast him
Cast him
Is this the man eating Crocodile? Surprised he hasn't been killed yet.
He died last year apparently.
God bless him.
Jonah Hill would be best suited for this role. He's already a slimy, fat monster in real life
THE man eating crocodile. Is this a known crocodile?
Yeah, Gustav has his own Wikipedia page and everything.
>Benedict Cumberbatch as Gustave (he talks now)
>Dwanye Johnson as a hunter trying to kill Gustave
>John Boyega as random villager that gets eaten
>Rihanna as the main girl
>Samuel L. Jackson as crocodile scientist
>Tyrese Gibson as comic relief man
>Andy Serkis as Gustave's crocodile henchman with uncanny face
Don't this nigga disappears every other year or so and then shows up to scare the locals?
Based Gustave
He has 300 (Not confirmed*) human kills but it's probably bullshit. I have no doubt he's eaten a few stupid niggers who ventured too far out in the water, but 300? Not a chance.
I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Burundi is a mysterious place.
He's very old, in his mid-60s.
Well crocs don't need to eat for months after a huge meal...
Looks like crocokino is back on the menu boys
They already did a movie about him, it was called Primal.
It sucked.
These animals actively hunt humans and will literally stalk them and learn their patterns. There are villages where like every other member is missing some limb where they've been attacked gathering water or something and barely made it alive.
>There are villages where like every other member is missing some limb
This sounds like a massive over exaggeration.
I’d cast an alligator to appease the SJW crowd and prove that I’m progressive. I would be praised for such forward thinking.
I normally never respond to these types of posts, but I would watch this.
>he hasnt lost a limb to a crocodile ambush
No need to brag user
Animals try avoiding eating humans on average
It is, because I heard it from a guest on Joe Rogan.
Cast her.
I wouldn't have even killed him at that point, if you can last that long and kill that many people then you've earned your right to live.
My sides are in orbit at that file name
>I’d cast an alligator
Worse than white washing. But knowing Hollywood they will probably cast pic related as Gustave.
>doesnt let the elephant trunk her boob
What harm could it possibly do, its a fucking elephant