Shows that made a big impact, then vanished

Zoomers will never understand what a phenomenon this show was. And I mean a legit phenomenon, not some forced meme like Tiger King or something with years of buildup like the MCU.

It came out of absolutely nowhere and was probably responsible for about 80% of people having heard Don't Stop Believin'. It was fucking huge for like 2 or 3 years, the influence they had on the charts was unreal, and everyone either loved it or hated it.

Then out of nowhere it just went away and nobody talks about it anymore. It's like the world stopped watching overnight.

My working theory is that it was straddling a line between self awareness and guilty pleasure cringe, and was never all that great at either. Therefore, those 2 different demographics went off to watch either Community or Riverdale respectively. That combined with the fact that the kind of pop music being made in 2012 was a lot more suited to a Glee cover than what's on the radio now pretty much killed the show.

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what's up with Yas Forums thinking anything that isn't your face 24/7 is "forgotten" or "vanished"?

It was self-aware enough to begin with. I only watched it because my ex was really into it. But there was a point that it started to take itself too seriously and I think between that and some of the MCs leaving it left a bad taste. In its prime it was silly fun for girls and gays and somewhat tolerable to straight guys.

zoom-zooms aren't aware of anything that's outside of their immediate experience

What? Fuck Journey. Journey is fucking bullshit. That is valuable to you, that people hear Journey?

Scrubs made don't stop believing popular

No, that was Family Guy they made Don’t Stop Believin’ a thing for a new generation. Probably in part why they chose that for the first episode.

As for you’re guessing Riverdale was no where near ready to be made by the time Glee started to fade away and if anything it would’ve been The Vampire Diaries or Pretty Little Liars that got that demographic.

Really, what happened was the show never took off and just started going down hill. Same thing with Nip/Tuck (the guys show before Glee) it came on the scene with this snappy premise, shocked everyone and became the It thing, but then he had to go and force no character arcs and everyone just being sad and crying all the time as things just got more depressing and nihilistic so everyone moved on to something that wasn’t a Gay Grandpa whining like an angsty teen through his fictional characters.

It also became popular to make fun of glee

The 2008-2013 era of pop culture (Electropop Era, Obama's first term) was short-lived in general. Like other turn-of-decade periods, it was a cheesy, over-the-top era that was memory-holed shortly after it ended.

It was the last optimistic era (for now) before political lines were redrawn in 2013-2014 with SJWs vs. alt-right, Great Awokening, and Woke Capital. The last time high schoolers were mostly Late Millennials and not Zoomers, the last time some people still had flip phones, the time were rage comics were popular, the last time teens still had sex and weren't completely depressed.

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Lots of stuff from that era has permeated culture though. Smartphones, social media, and Marvel movies in particular.

No, I couldn't give less of a fuck about Journey. I'm just saying that a fairly obscure 80's pop song went mainstream overnight because it was in the pilot.

This is a zoomer show. You are a zoomer. Let that sink in.

IDK man. It was popular in like 2010, mostly watched by high schoolers. Millennials cut off at 1996, high schoolers in 2010 were born 1992-1996. So it's a millennial show.

>MKUltra tween actors
>Successor to High School Musical
>Horrible auto-tuned songs that ruin radio classics with sugary diarrhea
If they did none of the above then it would've been an ok show.

This show was just thrown together after the success of pic related, and then it went away when one of the actors was exposed as a pedo then killed himself

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>obscure 80s pop song
>album sold over 9 million copies

Maybe obscure was the wrong word, but what I mean is that whether or not the song did numbers at the time, it wasn't a staple 80's song like Thriller or I Wanna Dance With Somebody until after this show. I highly doubt it was a song many 14 year olds had on their mp3 players until after this show.

Also, how many of those 9 million copies were sold after Glee gave the song a new lease of life?

It was on FOX. Thats why it didnt last.

Robyn' 3 part Body Talk album is incredible & will be repeated & remembered for ages

>Also, how many of those 9 million copies were sold after Glee...

Oh, geez, stop arguing, you're straddling the line between naive and ignorant.

Mohawk guy was caught with cp and killed himself lol
Seriously, look it up...

the quarterback also od'd or some shit

>Shows that made a big impact, then vanished
Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Dexter....the list goes on

basically 90% of the show vanish...notable exceptions are stuff like the sopranos.

I think Breaking Bad's popularity has endured, I mean Better Call Saul and El Camino are proof enough

Better Call Saul is popular because it's a new show and much superior than BrBa. El Camino came out and everybody forgot about it within a week

Better Call Saul will be remembered while garbage like BrBa will be forgotten.


-tries to break up with psycho gf, and kick her out
-gf gets violent.
-gf calls cops on him and makes domestic accusation.
-cops investigate and seize computer.
-computer has pics underage sent him unsolicited.
-gets charged.
- now radioactive.
-loses $$ on lawyers.
-broke so makes plea deal.
-plea deal means end of career.

Attached: 9DD70D03-2360-4A68-8D6F-2DE8D02F2616.jpg (1772x2560, 319.89K)

Mmm, I dunno. People still talk about breaking bad. I don't think it's the best ever but it's pretty good, and is still in like the top 3 normie list of best tv shows ever

i am zoomer and i remember this

>underage sent him unsolicited

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I was born in 96, started high school in 2010. Glee was huge then. You're dumb.

very correct.

Spring Breakers is such a great movie for this reason, really a conscious attempt at capturing a snapshot of a unique era and Korine knew it (funny enough, I don't think those in the film knew it though)

literally what show

You're the youngest millennial, according to wiki. Nothing I said contradicts you.

It feels weird that "Early 2010s" is now a definable aesthetic of an out-of-date time. When I was living through that era, it felt like it would never end, that it would be contemporary forever.