Best/worst theater experiences?

>watching Avengers: Endgame at the kinoplex
>scene where Thanos gets punched pretty hard
>I stand up and yell "OOOF! RIGHT IN THE INFINITY STONES!"
>theater erupts into wild laughter
>movie projectionist blinks theater lights on and off in acknowledgement
>black guys sitting in the back suck their teeth "you aight white boi"
>teen girl sitting next to me playfully punches me in the shoulder and bites her lip
>can hear a group of black women whisper "he cute"

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Two women of the black persuasion sat next to me in an otherwise near empty theatre during a showing of X-Men Days of Future Past and proceeded to talk very loudly all the way through. I wanted to tell them to shut up but I didn't want them to look in my direction and realize that I had gone to see an X-Men film with my mom.

>go to movies by myself because I can
>ask ticket bitch for my ticket "ticket for one for Inception!"
>ticket bitch says "for ONE? what's it like going to the movies alone?"
>I say "Yes, for one. what's it like earning 9 dollars an hour?" laugh in ticket bitch's face and walk away
>walk up to stub ripper...say "IS THIS YOUR WHOLE JOB? YOUR PARENTS MUST BE SO PROUD LOL" rip my own stub because I'm not an idiot
>enter eatery, walk up to servant "what will you have?" she asks, "it's okay! I brought my own!" I say while showing her the contents of my backpack with cola and homemade popcorn inside
>turn to those behind me and say "ENJOY PAYING THREE BUCKS FOR COLA, MORONS"
>make my way to cinema doors...notice lots of couples
>laugh at them as they leave in embarrassment
>cinema all to myself, put my feet up and throw popcorn at my face because that's how I eat it

i went to theater thrice in my whole life. one with a gf to watch rush hour 3, we ended up making out throughout the whole movie, the other with some milf i finger-banged, and then with a nutritionist from work. we kissed on our way home

I got bored during return of the king and fingered my girlfriend same thing for donny darko. Watched house of the dead cringing and we broke up a week later.

What's a kinoplex?


a cinema chain

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>group of soijaks sitting in front of me
>they go OOOOOOO any time something epic happens
>lean forward and tel cause what hh had to be quieter
>theyimmediately turn of over bakc get security
>called on me for now my sister calls me "loudmouth bill"

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Return unto Reddit

Bump, writing a long post

why bother? I can just call you a faggot now

Getting bored during Return of the King is just unbelievable.

How long?

>going alone to a genre movie festival to see an anime outside of japan premiere
>I'm "late" cause I live 1 hour and realized i forgot my ticket halfway (i left home early to get good seats, ironically)
>1 min late, they just turned the lights off and there's like 3 minutes of sponsor reels
>find an empty seat between 2 groups
>seats are fucking wooden and uncomfortable
>movie starts
>everyone is fucking loud and obnoxious because it's an action anime and there's this horrible smell any time someone next to me moves
>movie turns out to be really shitty
>huge buyer's remorse
>got to my car and wrote a review on Yas Forums saying how bad it was

Best, same night
>still shitposting in my car, it's 9:30pm
>decide to look up movie listing
>once upon a time in hollywood just came out, and is at 10:45 and the theatre is 15 minutes walk away
>decide to go
>at the box office an hour early
>only 4-5 seats are blue in front of the room on the teller's screen
>"alright, i'll take seat a-25"
>"oh, that seat is taken, you need to take a grey seat"
>take a seat at the back right under the projector
>get a hotdog for diner at the lobby
>movie starts and there's just 10 people max in the 300 seats room
>movie is amazing
>night was saved

Also, I almost had an accident while getting back home at like 2am. Pretty sure the guy who swerved in my lane was drunk

>be me
>friend and I would go to the movies on base a lot
>It's basically one really big screen that shows movies every day so kids have something cheap to do for a dollar on military bases
>friend and I would always go in and watch movies even if the titles were shit
>they were so abandoned that teens would often go there just to hang out or fool around
>during sex scenes there was a very obvious tension between the two of us
>we'd joke around about holding each others hands, old school 'no homo' stuff
>eventually it progressed to us making out and later jerking off
>we never talked about it or acknowledged it outside of the theater, even though during the summers we practically lived together and had plenty of privacy
>it just never came up
>it was just something we did at the movies
>one time we had another friend with us and basically all three of us jerked off

was there anything more comfy than experimenting with your sexuality in the movies as a teen?


>Went to see Logan opening week
>6'4 275 Chad king
>arrive early to claim my prefe rred spot - back row center
>absolute shit theatre because I live in a small town in an economically depressed area of the country
>halfway through the movie start getting uncomfortable in the small metal folding chairs
>I hate them so much
>only women, children, and asians can comfortably enjoy kinos in my town. No room for big boy alphas like me
>put my knees up on the empty chair in front of me to alleviate some numbness in my legs
>ah that's better
>multiple bolts go flying out from the chair and clatter loudly the floor in all different directions
>everyone turns around and looks at me as the chair slowly sags forward


>Went to see World War Z
>not sure why
>didn't know much about it going in, I just wanted to get out of the house
>15 minutes in
>decide I'm not really feeling it
>leave and go to McDonalds

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>be me

I went with some friends to see Avengers: Endgame and some guys behind me would uncontrollably clap whenever something cool happened (Like Capatain America holding Thor's hammer or whatever). Then when my brother went to go see the movie several months later in July, he said two guys came into the theater during the last quarter of the movie and just laughed at the funeral scene.

>Joker opening day
>three fatties who look like Yas Forums personified sit in front of me
>reek of cigarettes worse than anyone else I've ever encountered
>a few times throughout the movie someone would get up to use the bathroom and everybody else in the theater would grip their armrests thinking it would be the big one
10/10 for immersion

>enter theater lobby
>approach ticket vendor
>ask them if they've seen Uncut Gems
>they say yes
>ask them if its reddit
>they confusedly ask me "What?"
>repeat myself
>they are still confused
>explain the difference between reddit and Yas Forums culture
>they laugh and say it's okay
>go in
>watch it
>its reddit

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sensible chuckle/10

Kind of trivial but because of work and other things that came I couldn't see Bladerunner 2049 until the end of its theatrical release, so I ended up going with my dad and when we got there 2 dipshits were sitting in the seats that were given to us which wasn't really a biggy as there were like 12 people there in total and we ended up moving to better seats instead.

Anyway the two dipshits had clearly already seen the movie before and had snuck in without paying and were talking the whole time during the movie and outright spoiling it at times, as I was with my dad and had less confidence at that time I didn't say anything but if I could go back in time I'd tell them to shut the fuck up because they ruined the movie for everyone there

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I dont know, whats a kinoplex whit you?

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>Two women of the black persuasion sat next to me in an otherwise empty theater
>I had gone to see an X-Men film with my mom.
>otherwise empty theater
user... your mom... she didn't walk away from that car crash...

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Went to watch Batman and someone came in and shot some of the crowd to death, I wasn't among them.

Stopped going to theatres after that never had a good experience.

>he said two guys came into the theater during the last quarter of the movie and just laughed at the funeral scene.


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>movie projectionist blinks theater lights on and off in acknowledgement

This made me laugh the most

>the Fellowship of the Ring director's cut is released into theaters to promote the bluray
>may be my only chance to ever see the film again in a theater
>the title screen shows up and everyone cheers
>Bilbo shows up and everyone cheers
>the subtitle screen shows up and everyone cheers
>Samwise shows up and everyone cheers
>Frodo shows up and everyone cheers
>Gandalf shows up and everyone cheers
>Merry and Pippin show up and everyone cheers
>god just shut the fuck up, everyone
>at least all the characters are introduced, now they'll be quiet
>get to Rivendell, an hour into the film
>Legolas shows up and everyone cheers
>Gimlee, cheers
>Boromir, cheers
>Figwit, cheers
>that's it, that's all the characters, they're done.
>come back a week later to watch The Two Towers
>they cheer at all the character introductions again!

>watching Avengers: Endgame in the time square AMC on opening night.
>Sitting front row next to a man who is literally 400lbs
>his breathing, just normal breathing is like a whistle combined with a snore

After moving to a new spot it was actually a pretty fun experience. Everyone was excited and even though the movie was just okay it was upped by everyones enthusiasm.

Dumb question, but do you live in Japan?

i love you