What the FUCK was his problem?

What the FUCK was his problem?

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he bore the burden of sex

Couldnt get tiger cubs so had pretend he was jesus

seems like he was living the dream I don’t see a problem

He just wanted to be left alone with his family.

what were they gonna charge him with? he broke no laws.

I’d probably let him knock up my wife too, if I’m being completely honest.

Stupid christcuck faggot.
Typical for the part of America.

Bunch of fucking retards in the South.

Why are white people like this?

Based and choicepilled.

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are all euros retarded

>another offshoot of christcuck Jew worship
>just like mormons, jehova's witness', and evangelist

Are all christards fucking retarded? (Yes)

>m-muh koresh was a bad guy who might have been mean to some kids
>that's why the government was JUSTIFIED murdering so many children
Go to bed janet

t. would let koresh fuck his wife and stay celibate

except it's not christianity at all?? are fedoras this dimwitted??

Jokes on you I'm celibate anyway

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He wasn’t Lon for this earth

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His amplifiers didn't go to 11

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cults seem the comfiest way to live, anyone know of some that would let me fuck though?

Lol sure thing, faggot.

the virgin janet reno vs. THE CHAD KORESH

schizo and liked to cuck simps

You still need to be able to attract a woman in the first place. Joining a cult won’t automatically make you good with women.

Should i watch waco?

Yeah, you can watch the whole thing in one day.

Become a moonie and join a mass wedding ceremony

Gigachad who cucked well over 10 men. I'd say he was based

He thought he was a god.

The show is accurate especially the outcome ? or it's very one sided ?

mormons are somewhere between cult and religion and from what i understand it's easy for a newcomer to find a mormon roastie to marry and breed

being on fire

>Joining a cult won’t automatically make you good with women.
If you learn the scripture and act enlightened women go fucking nuts. This is why clergymen always get pussy.

ATF decided he was too based to live.

Rejecting sex is the mainstay of the cult. Either the leader or the Followers reject sex. Easier to mold the mind. Ironically the people pushing the "COOMER" meme are the weird right wingers who enjoy the cult-like grouping.
The natural human or animal enjoys sex for pleasure, denying it is a travesty.

I am good with women sorry disappoint you