In the foot or in the hand Yas Forums?

in the foot or in the hand Yas Forums?

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what movie is this from?

City of God.

True life tale too. Favela is literally hell on earth.


do americans really?

what the fuck?

This is Brazil, which is basically a more hardcore version of america's worst shitholes

do niggers really?

This movie was shit

City of God
pretty good flick

Left hand. Any other choice is the objectively more detrimental one.
Unless you're left handed, obviously.


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why did he shoot the kid?

Imagine you live in a ghetto but can walk to the beach every day down the street

only the favelas tho
they were stealing from stores in the favela, the guys that shot them were the drug lords in control of that favela

ask your mom's boyfriend if you're so curious

As the other guy said it's City of God.

I think its from city of god

Because, just like with the government, you don't steal from criminals and gets away with it

This fucking movie is so sad

funny, when you can go to a country (brazil, etc) and fuck one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen for literal dollars it really puts the value pussy in perspective. gents, never forget men are the pollen women are the bees if you have it backwards you're doing something wrong.

walking is more important

okay but the beaches are filled with trash and corpses

bro if you said something like this in that moment you better believe you would never walk again

>one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen

post exemple

i'm not posting fapmat. it's either you like brazilians or you don't.

the elite squad flicks were better

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Because stealing attracts police and could get in the way of the drug trade.

foot, i barely use them anyway
but seriously, there are considerable chances of dying from a bullet wound in either limb